
FridayZhongguancun-Science-Park Partly-Cloudy-with-Rain I went to work as usual, and my cough has improved significantly.In the evening, I went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends and spent the last of my money. I felt that the gaming environment is really poor, with many cheaters. It might just be my imagination, though.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I started coughing around 5 AM and couldn’t fall back asleep. I went to work as usual, and my cough improved a bit. In the afternoon, I ordered milk tea, and my cough flared up again. In the evening, I watched TV shows at home and drank honeysuckle tea. I managed to sleep normally.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual but still had a cough. In the evening, I watched TV shows at home and drank a lot of honeysuckle tea. My cough improved significantly, and I slept much better at night.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I coughed all night and couldn’t sleep, so I took the day off and slept at home. In the afternoon, around 4 PM, I went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends. I returned home around 9 PM and watched TV shows. Due to the coughing, I still couldn’t sleep well and finally fell asleep around 4 AM.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I woke up coughing in the early morning. I went to work as usual but kept coughing throughout the day. In the evening, I watched TV shows at home but couldn’t fall asleep again. I finally fell asleep around 5 AM.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny I fell asleep at dawn and woke up again at 9 AM. I felt groggy and continued coughing. In the afternoon, I went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends. In the evening, I watched TV shows at home. I went to the pharmacy to buy some cough and anti-inflammatory medicine. I fell asleep around 1 AM.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny I was coughing, so in the afternoon, I went to an internet cafe to play games. In the evening, I watched TV shows at home. I ran out of melatonin and couldn’t sleep due to the coughing.


FridayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunday I went to work as usual, though my throat is still sore and I’m coughing. The weather was great today. Summer has truly arrived.After coming home in the evening, I watched TV shows. At 9:30 PM, I went to an internet cafe to play games.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Despite having a sore throat and a cough, I went to work as usual. In the evening, I went home, watched TV shows and anime, then went out for a walk for an hour. After returning home, I did some simple stretches.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain I woke up with a sore throat but went to work as usual. In the evening, I went home, watched TV shows and anime, and did some pull-ups on the bar.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain I went to work as usual. In the evening, I went home, watched some TV shows, and did a core workout.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain I went to work as usual. In the evening, I went home and watched TV shows and anime.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny I was woken up by a call from a delivery service. Later, the fire alarm in my room went off for no apparent reason, waking me up again. As a result, I had a headache and my eyes felt uncomfortable. I tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t. After eating, I went to an internet cafe to play games. In the evening, I went home and did some core exercises.


Saturday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny After waking up today, I went to the office to work overtime. I finished at 3:10 PM. After that, I went home to inflate my bicycle tires, then headed to an internet cafe to play League of Legends. I topped up 50 yuan for internet fees, and the lucky draw awarded me an additional 100 yuan.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual, and it was very busy. I was informed that a big screen project needs to go live next Monday, and city officials will be coming to see it. As a result, I worked overtime until 10:30 PM. The main issue was that the Gaode Map service within the public security intranet couldn’t be accessed from the external network, making it impossible to simulate the service. I found a usable version on GitHub, which greatly facilitated the subsequent integration testing.Due to working overtime, I had to cancel my doctor’s appointment.


ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual. I’m not sure if it’s because of the chocolate, but I woke up feeling extremely tired with dry eyes. I felt groggy and unfocused throughout the whole day. In the evening, after returning home, I went out for a walk and discovered a nearby city library. I plan to check it out sometime.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual, and it was a busy day. In the evening, the Swiss Lindt dark chocolate that I ordered arrived, so I had some of it. Then, I went out for a walk. I walked for about an hour. During the walk, I saw a little girl running and trying to cross over a green belt with grass along the roadside. Since it was dark, the lighting was poor, and there was a thin rope across the green belt that she didn’t notice. She tripped over it and fell quite hard, and she seemed to cry. When I returned home, I did some simple core and leg exercises. Then, I took a shower and went to bed.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual, and it was a busy day. In the evening, after having dinner at home, I went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends again. Once again, I made up my mind not to play anymore. However, I couldn’t delete my account because it was flagged for potential hacking risk.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual. It was a busy and tiring day. In the evening, I rested for a while at home and then went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Rain Today was a day off. After getting up, I watched anime and then braved the heavy rain to take a taxi to the hospital for a dental filling. After returning home, I rested for a while without eating and then went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends. I returned home at 10:30 PM and had instant noodles for dinner.


SaturdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Today is a day off for Labor Day, but I went to work as usual. In the evening, I walked home and then contacted cwalk. After that, I ordered a low-fat fitness meal, which turned out to be very good.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual. In the evening, I worked overtime until 7:30 PM. After returning home, I spent some time browsing Taobao and did a brief workout.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual. In the evening, I worked overtime until 7:30 PM. After returning home, I spent some time browsing Taobao and did a short workout.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual. In the evening, I went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends. I made the decision once again not to play the game anymore.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual. In the evening, I went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends. After returning home, I spent over an hour taking selfies on TikTok.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I went to work as usual. Today is my birthday, so in the evening, I invited two close colleagues to have dinner and sing karaoke. I returned home around 11 PM, took a shower, and went to bed.


Sunday Home Cloudy After finishing lunch, I took a bus to Wenzhou. Upon arrival, I tidied up the room, had dinner, and then went to an internet cafe to play League of Legends. After returning home, my childhood friend called to wish me a happy birthday since tomorrow is my birthday. We chatted until 1 o’clock in the morning, but there wasn’t much substance to our conversation. I realized that we seemed to lack common topics of discussion and were only communicating based on our past relationship.


Saturday Home Rain In the afternoon, I stopped by my childhood friend’s shop for a while, bought some coffee, and went back home. In the evening, a friend brought me some honey, and I spent 160 yuan to buy 1 kilogram. Later in the evening, I ordered some milk tea.


FridayHome Cloudy Yesterday, I caught a cold and didn’t sleep well. I stayed at home all day. In the afternoon, feeling very tired and wanting to sleep, I bought some coffee and spent the afternoon watching anime. After dinner, my heart started beating fast. I took a shower and went to bed around 8 PM. I stayed on my phone in bed until midnight before falling asleep.


Thursday Home Cloudy Today, I woke up at noon and went to an internet cafe with friends to play games. In the evening, I had fish for dinner at home, and then went to my childhood friend’s flower shop to have dinner. We chatted with two childhood friends all evening, but the conversation didn’t bring up anything new. After returning home and taking a shower, I wore a short-sleeved shirt and shorts, and spent the evening debugging the company’s custom form project on the computer. I kept debugging until almost 2 AM before it was completed. Due to wearing too little clothing, I caught a cold. Combined with drinking alcohol in the evening, I felt dizzy.


Wednesday Home Cloudy Today, I took a bus ride back home and arrived at around 3:30 PM. I had a chat with my parents and learned that my father had just returned from a trip to Thailand. We talked about his travels for a while. In the evening, after dinner, I had a chat with my mother and then went out with my childhood friend for a late-night snack.