


? adj. 愚蠢的,荒谬的;滑稽可笑的;荒诞派的 n. 荒诞,荒诞的事物 (the absurd) [ 比较级 more absurd 最高级 most absurd ] Sentences: The value of the gift isn’t much, but this explanation seemed quite absurd. 礼物价值不大,但这个解释似乎很荒谬。 2024-1 daily



? n. 适配器;改编者;接合器;适应者 Sentences: However, the washing machine’s interface didn’t match, so I had to buy an adapter, which cost 5 yuan. 然而,洗衣机的接口不匹配,所以我不得不买了一个适配器,花了5元钱。 2024-1 daily



? n. 有利条件,优势;优点;利益(advantage 的复数) v. 有利于,有助于(advantage 的第三人称单数) Sentences: It’s true that being good-looking comes with many advantages. 的确,长得好看会带来很多好处。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 几乎,差不多 Sentences: After it was almost over, I left with a few colleagues to go singing. 快结束后,我和几个同事一起去唱歌了。 2024-1 daily



? prep. 在……当中,周围是;与……在一起;……之一;在……群体中;为……所共有;彼此间;以及 Sentences: When I helped them move things yesterday, they mentioned not having brought enough gifts among themselves, so they wouldn’t exchange gifts with family members. 昨天我帮他们搬东西的时候,他们说自己带的礼物不够,所以不愿意和家人交换礼物。 2024-1 daily



? n. 数量,量;金额,钱数;(感情、质量的)程度 v. 达到,总计(amount to);等于,意味着(amount to);发展成,变成(amount to) [ 复数 amounts 第三人称单数 amounts 现在分词 amounting 过去式 amounted 过去分词 amounted ] Sentences: The washing machine has a capacity of 3kg, so it can’t handle a large amount of clothes at once. 这台洗衣机的容量为3公斤,因此不能同时处理大量的衣服。 2024-1 daily



? n. 日本动画片(常以科幻为主题);芳香树脂 Sentences: # 2024-01-27 #Saturday #East-Ou-Residential-Community#Sunny Today, worked out, focused on chest muscles.Played games at the internet cafe, watched anime in the evening.


2024-1 daily



? adj. 一年一度的;年度的;(植物)一年生的 n. 一年生植物;年刊,年鉴 Sentences: In the evening, there was the company annual meeting. 晚上,公司召开了年会。 2024-1 daily



? adv. (不)再,再也(不) Sentences: But now, work is not that important to me anymore; no need to invest too much effort. 但现在,工作对我来说不再那么重要了;没有必要投入太多的精力。 2024-1 daily



? v. 安排,筹备;整理,布置,排列;改编;商定 [ 第三人称单数 arranges 现在分词 arranging 过去式 arranged 过去分词 arranged ]



? adj. 安置于……的,……布置的 v. 安排,筹备;整理,排列,布置;谱写,改编(乐曲)(arrange的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: I had already arranged moving services but ended up canceling them. 我已经安排了搬家服务,但最后取消了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 到达,到来;到达者,加入者;产生,出现 [ 复数 arrivals ] Sentences: # 2024-01-13 #Saturday#East-Ou-Residential-Community #Sunny
Today, I was waiting for the arrival of the Haier refrigerator and Xiaomi washing machine I purchased online.
今天,我在网上购买了海尔冰箱和小米洗衣机,等待着它们的到来。 2024-1 daily



? v. 抵达;抵港(arrive 的过去式) adj. 已到达的 Sentences: The corn I bought last week finally arrived. 我上周买的玉米终于到了。 2024-1 daily



? v. 随同,陪同;经常去,定期去(学校、教堂等);伴随……而至,(作为结果)伴随;出席,参加;注意,专心;处理,照料;致力于 [ 第三人称单数 attends 现在分词 attending 过去式 attended 过去分词 attended ] Sentences: # 2024-01-05 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny I slacked off at work and took the afternoon off due to needing to attend a relative’s wedding over the weekend. 由于周末要去参加一个亲戚的婚礼,我在工作上懈怠了,下午休息了。 2024-1 daily



? v. 参加;注意;照料(attend 的过去分词);伴随 Sentences: For dinner, I attended a banquet at a hotel. 晚餐,我参加了在一家旅馆举行的宴会。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 吸引人的,有吸引力的;(人)迷人的,有魅力的;值得考虑的,值得做的;(与)引力(有关)的 [ 比较级 more attractive 最高级 most attractive ] Sentences: She needed me to scan a QR code to follow her, and since she seemed quite attractive, I agreed. 她需要我扫描二维码来关注她,因为她看起来很有魅力,我同意了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 姑妈,伯母,舅妈,阿姨,婶婶 Sentences: I watched TV dramas, and at noon, I had to go to my aunt’s house, which is where the main couple of the wedding resides. 我看了电视剧,中午,我不得不去我姑姑家,那是婚礼的主要夫妇住的地方。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 可用的,可获得的;有空的,有闲暇的;未婚的,单身的 Sentences: Yesterday, there was no hot water, so I rebooted the system to check if there is hot water available today. 昨天没有热水,所以我重新启动了系统,看看今天有没有热水。 2024-1 daily



? n. 宴会,盛宴;筵席,宴席 v. 宴请;参加宴会 【名】 (Banquet)(法)邦凯,(西)班克特(人名) [ 复数 banquets 第三人称单数 banquets 现在分词 banqueting 过去式 banqueted 过去分词 banqueted ] Sentences: For dinner, I attended a banquet at a hotel. 晚餐,我参加了在一家旅馆举行的宴会。 2024-1 daily



? n. 户外烧烤;(户外烧烤用的)烤肉架;烧烤食物 v. (在烤架上)烧烤 [ 复数 barbecues 第三人称单数 barbecues 现在分词 barbecuing 过去式 barbecued 过去分词 barbecued ] Sentences: In the evening, a friend who was on a business trip to Wenzhou invited me for dinner, and we went to have barbecue. 晚上,一个去温州出差的朋友请我吃饭,我们一起去烧烤。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 基本上,大体上;从根本上说,总的说来 Sentences: Due to the server breach, many tasks couldn’t be completed, so I basically idled for the day. 由于服务器被攻破,很多任务无法完成,所以我这一天基本上都是无所事事。 2024-1 daily


beef noodles

? 牛肉面 Sentences: Had beef noodles for lunch, with plenty of beef, and it only cost 13 yuan. 午餐吃牛肉面,牛肉很多,而且只要13元。 2024-1 daily



? n. 所有物,财物;亲属 Sentences: The movers carried my belongings to the 5th floor, and the service cost a total of 165 RMB. 搬运工把我的东西搬到了5楼,这项服务总共花费了165元人民币。 2024-1 daily



? n. 利益,好处;福利政策;救济金;福利;义演,义卖(benefit 的复数) Sentences: The benefits at government units are still good. 政府部门的福利仍然不错。 2024-1 daily



? n. 便当;盒饭 Sentences: Had Dongchi Bento, then biked around the neighborhood for half an hour. 吃了东池便当,然后在附近骑了半小时自行车。 2024-1 daily



? n. 小片,小块;小部分,片段;(一组东西中的)一个;<美>喜剧小品,小笑话;比特;辅币,12.5美分;马嚼子;钻头;<非正式>(与某活动、过程有关的)所有事情;<非正式>女孩,姑娘;<英,非正式>(人的)生殖器 adj. 很小的 v. 制约,限制;给(马)上嚼子 v. 咬,咬伤;叮,蜇(bite 的过去式和过去分词形式) [ 复数 bits 第三人称单数 bits 现在分词 bitting 过去式 bitted 过去分词 bitted ] Sentences: Cleaned up a bit, only made the bed, then went out to surf the internet. 打扫了一下,只整理了床铺,然后就出去上网了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 毯子,毛毯;厚层,覆盖层;气氛,氛围;障碍,障碍物;(平版印刷的)橡皮布;(平版印刷的)橡皮 v. 覆盖,盖住,笼罩;消除(声音),使(声音)模糊不清;迎风航行抢(他船)的上风 adj. 总括的,全面的,通用的 Sentences: # 2024-01-06 #Saturday #Home #Sunny I felt very hot while sleeping last night because the blanket my mom laid out for me was too thick. 昨天晚上睡觉的时候我觉得很热,因为妈妈给我铺的毯子太厚了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 违反,破坏;(关系)中断,终止;缺口 v. 违反,破坏;在……上打开缺口 [ 复数 breaches 第三人称单数 breaches 现在分词 breaching 过去式 breached 过去分词 breached ] Sentences: Due to the server breach, many tasks couldn’t be completed, so I basically idled for the day. 由于服务器被攻破,很多任务无法完成,所以我这一天基本上都是无所事事。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 简短地,简要地;短暂地,暂时地 Sentences: After briefly tidying up and having dinner out, I went to an internet café to play League of Legends. 在做了简单的整理和出去吃晚饭后,我去网吧玩《英雄联盟》。 2024-1 daily



? v. 带来(bring 的过去分词) Sentences: When I helped them move things yesterday, they mentioned not having brought enough gifts among themselves, so they wouldn’t exchange gifts with family members. 昨天我帮他们搬东西的时候,他们说自己带的礼物不够,所以不愿意和家人交换礼物。 2024-1 daily



? 浏览 Sentences: In the evening, watched a movie and browsed videos. 晚上,看电影,浏览视频。 2024-1 daily


business trip

? 出差旅行:为工作目的而进行的旅行。 Sentences: # 2024-01-19 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Cloudy Today, I went on a business trip to the municipal government to debug the system. #星期五#中关村科技园#阴天今天我出差去市政府调试系统。 2024-1 daily



? n. 能力,才能;容积,容纳能力;职位,职责;功率,容积;生产量,生产能力 adj. 无虚席的,满场的 [ 复数 capacities ] Sentences: The washing machine has a capacity of 3kg, so it can’t handle a large amount of clothes at once. 这台洗衣机的容量为3公斤,因此不能同时处理大量的衣服。 2024-1 daily



? v. 拿;提;搬;扛;背;抱;运送;携带;传播(carry 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: The movers carried my belongings to the 5th floor, and the service cost a total of 165 RMB. 搬运工把我的东西搬到了5楼,这项服务总共花费了165元人民币。 2024-1 daily



? v. 提,取(银行账户中的钱款);停止提供,不再给予; 退出,不参加;(军队)撤离; 脱离(社会),不与人交往;离开;(将某物从某地或位置)抽回,移开;撤回,收回(前言);(从某物中)拿出;停止提供,召回;退出,返回(至另一个房间);(因对工作时间、报酬等不满意而)罢工;取消(许可、邀请或提议);戒毒 [ 第三人称单数 withdraws 现在分词 withdrawing 过去式 withdrew 过去分词 withdrawn ] Sentences: I planned to wash my hair and withdraw some cash, but I found out that the hair salon where I had previously prepaid was closed. 我打算洗头取些现金,但我发现我之前预付费的发廊已经关门了。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 随意地,漫不经心地;临时地;偶然地

Sentences: Just handle it casually. 随便处理就好。 2024-1 daily



? v. 接住;抓住,握住;逮住,捕获;发现,撞见;钩住,绊住;击中,碰到;得病,染病;引起,吸引(注意或兴趣);(对某事)感到兴奋;搭乘,赶上;及时做(或谈等);出席,观看;表现,再现;使措手不及;察觉,瞥见;听清,理解;突然意识到;盛住(液体);(板球)使被接杀出局;(棒球中)当接球手;受(光)照射;(风或水)裹挟,推动;着火,燃烧;遭遇,陷入(困境);固定,系牢;被(悬浮物)覆盖 n. 接(球等);(鱼的)捕获量,捕获物;<旧>理想的对象;门闩,吊扣;(声息)哽塞;隐患,隐藏的困难;(乐)轮唱片段;传接球游戏;捉人游戏 [ 复数 catches 第三人称单数 catches 现在分词 catching 过去式 caught 过去分词 caught ] Sentences: After quickly moving my things, I rushed to catch transportation. 我迅速搬了东西后,就赶去赶交通工具。 2024-1 daily



? vt. 成为…的原因(cause的现在分词形式) Sentences: The weather was good, but it was hot inside the vehicle, causing me to sweat. 天气很好,但车里很热,让我出汗。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 富于挑战性的,困难而有趣的;挑衅的,不赞同的 v. 挑战,向……下战书;质疑,拒绝接受;考验(challenge 的现在分词形式) Sentences: Found it challenging to decide where to eat around this area. 我发现很难决定在这附近去哪里吃饭。 2024-1 daily



? n. 胸部,胸膛;箱子,盒子,柜子;<英>金库,钱库 v. 以胸部推(球) Sentences: # 2024-01-27 #Saturday #East-Ou-Residential-Community#Sunny Today, worked out, focused on chest muscles.Played games at the internet cafe, watched anime in the evening.


2024-1 daily



? adj. 阻塞的;堵住的 v. 阻塞;妨碍(clog 的过去分词) Sentences: Before leaving, my mom had a bathroom incident where the toilet got clogged. 临走前,我妈的厕所出了点问题,马桶堵了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 同事,同僚 Sentences: In the evening, after work, a colleague treated us to lamb chops. 晚上下班后,一位同事请我们吃羊排。 2024-1 daily



? n. 同事;同行(colleague 的复数 Sentences: After it was almost over, I left with a few colleagues to go singing. 快结束后,我和几个同事一起去唱歌了。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 相关的, 关于(某个主题)的;担心的,焦急的;关注的,感兴趣的;关心的,挂念的 v. 有关,关于;涉及,影响;使忧虑,使担心(concern 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: The leaders are not too concerned either. 各国领导人也不太担心。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 配置;配置的,组态的 v. 使……成形;按特定形式装配(configure 的过去分词) Sentences: Configured the Xiaomi router and went out for dinner. 配置好小米路由器,然后出去吃饭。 2024-1 daily



? n. 联系人;联络方式;触体;隐形眼镜(contact的复数形式) v. 接触,联系(contact的第三人称单数形式) Sentences: We exchanged WeChat contacts. 我们交换了微信联系人。 2024-1 daily



? n. (非正式的)谈话,交谈;<旧>社交,交际 [ 复数 conversations ] Sentences: After leaving, I briefly met with a potential match at a designated location, but she had friends with her, making it difficult to have a proper conversation. 离开后,我在一个指定的地点与一位潜在的伴侣短暂会面,但她身边有朋友,所以很难进行适当的交谈。 2024-1 daily



? n. 谷物,谷粒;玉米;鸡眼;老一套,煽情的东西 v. 腌(肉类等);使成粒状 Sentences: The corn I bought last week finally arrived. 我上周买的玉米终于到了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 两个,几个;一对夫妇,一对情侣 v. 加上,结合;(把设备等)连接;形成一双,配成一对;<旧>交配,交媾;(用电磁感应,静电荷或光学通信线路)将(电路元件)耦合 【名】 (Couple)(法)库普勒(人名) [ 复数 couples 第三人称单数 couples 现在分词 coupling 过去式 coupled 过去分词 coupled ] Sentences: I watched TV dramas, and at noon, I had to go to my aunt’s house, which is where the main couple of the wedding resides. 我看了电视剧,中午,我不得不去我姑姑家,那是婚礼的主要夫妇住的地方。 2024-1 daily



? n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹;远房亲戚;兄弟民族(或国家)的人(来自不同国家但文化近似);相似的人(物) [ 复数 cousins ] Sentences: When I arrived, my cousin gave me a gift, and as expected, I had to give the customary gift money to receive the gift. 当我到达时,我的表弟给了我一份礼物,正如我所预料的那样,我必须按惯例给礼金才能收到礼物。 2024-1 daily



? v. 覆盖,遮盖;包括,涉及;报道;占(一片面积);行走(一段路程);足够支付;给……保险;顶替,代替;找借口,包庇;采取行动(保护自己);掩护;守住,封锁;翻唱;(桥牌)盖打 n. 覆盖物,遮盖物;封面,封底;被子,床单;遮盖,覆盖;保险;掩护;掩饰,幌子;掩蔽处;代替;转录,翻唱;(板球)外场防守;(生态)盖度 【名】 (Cover)(英)科弗,(意)科韦尔(人名) [ 复数 covers 第三人称单数 covers 现在分词 covering 过去式 covered 过去分词 covered ] Sentences: The traffic was heavy; it took me 30 minutes to cover a 2-kilometer distance. 交通拥挤;我花了30分钟才走完2公里的路程。 2024-1 daily



? n. 窗帘,门帘;帘状物,幕状物(如浓烟或大雨等);纱幔,帷幔;(舞台上的)幕,幕布;开幕,落幕;灾难性结局 v. 给(窗户或房间)装上帘子;(用帘子)隔开,覆盖 Sentences: Installed the curtain for the bathroom and the waterproof box for the sockets. 安装浴室窗帘和插座防水盒。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 习俗的,习惯的;特有的,典型的;<法律>按习惯法的,依惯例的;与非洲黑人传统(或法律)有关的 n. <史>习惯法汇编 [ 复数 customaries 比较级 more customary 最高级 most customary ] Sentences: When I arrived, my cousin gave me a gift, and as expected, I had to give the customary gift money to receive the gift. 当我到达时,我的表弟给了我一份礼物,正如我所预料的那样,我必须按惯例给礼金才能收到礼物。 2024-1 daily



? n. 负债类,债务(debt 的复数形式) Sentences: He shared his plan for the year: focus on work to clear debts and spend the remaining time on fitness. 他分享了他今年的计划:专注于工作以偿还债务,剩余的时间用于健身。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 专心致志的,献身的;专用的,专门用途的 vt. 致力于,献身于;(在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献词;为(大楼,纪念碑)揭幕(dedicate 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: Naturally, I don’t need to be overly dedicated. 当然,我不需要过于专注。 2024-1 daily



? vbl. 思量 Sentences: Unable to withdraw the money, I deliberated whether to give the gift money. 由于无法取款,我考虑是否要给礼金。 2024-1 daily



? n. 递送,投递;递送物;演讲风格,演说方式;分娩,生产;投球方式 adj. 运送的 [ 复数 deliveries ] Sentences: I ordered a cup of milk tea delivery, watched TV for a while, then left with my uncle. 我点了一杯奶茶外卖,看了一会儿电视,就和叔叔一起离开了。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 已故的;过去的,以往的 n. 死者 v. 离去,去世(depart 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: I departed at 14:30 and arrived in my hometown city around 18:30. 我14:30出发,18:30左右到达我的家乡。 2024-1 daily


departed at

? 在某个时间离开:指在特定的时间离开某个地点或交通工具。 Sentences: I departed at 14:30 and arrived in my hometown city around 18:30. 我14:30出发,18:30左右到达我的家乡。 2024-1 daily



? n. 属国;从属;从属物 Sentences: # 2024-01-10 #Wednesday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny
Worked as usual, encountered issues with the source code of an Alibaba third-party dependency during development.
正常工作,在开发过程中遇到了阿里巴巴第三方依赖的源代码问题。 2024-1 daily



? n. 设计,布局,安排;设计艺术,构思;设计图,图纸;图案,花纹;计划,意图 v. 设计,制图,构思;筹划,制订;预定,指定 【名】 (Design)(俄、巴、印)迪赛(人名) [ 复数 designs 第三人称单数 designs 现在分词 designing 过去式 designed 过去分词 designed ] Sentences: Discovered that the issue from yesterday was a design problem on my part, and I need to redesign the related form component. 发现昨天的问题是我的设计问题,我需要重新设计相关的表单组件。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 指定的,标出的 vt. 把……定名为,把……描述为;任命,指定;标明,标示(designate的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: After leaving, I briefly met with a potential match at a designated location, but she had friends with her, making it difficult to have a proper conversation. 离开后,我在一个指定的地点与一位潜在的伴侣短暂会面,但她身边有朋友,所以很难进行适当的交谈。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 下定决心的,坚定的 v. 决定,控制;查明,确定;下定决心(determine 的过去式和过去分词形式) [ 比较级 more determined 最高级 most determined ] Sentences: He also mentioned he’s been smoke-free for 8 days and is determined to quit successfully this time. 他还提到他已经戒烟8天了,这次他决心成功戒烟。 2024-1 daily



? adj. (国家)发展中的;正在生长的,正在发展的 v. (使)成长,发展;研制,研发;形成(观点)(develop 的现在分词) Sentences: # 2024-01-12 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny
Normal workday, worked on developing custom form-related requirements.


2024-1 daily



? adj. 庄严的;有尊严的;高贵的 v. 使高贵(dignify 的过去式) Sentences: It didn’t feel very dignified. 感觉不太庄重。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 勤奋地;勤勉地 Sentences: # 2024-01-03 #Wednesday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny Worked normally today, very diligently. #星期三#中关村科技园#阳光今天工作正常,非常努力。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 直接地,径直地;坦率地;恰好,正好;立即,很快地 conj. 一……就…… Sentences: After the meal, they left directly, while our bus was scheduled for 2:30 PM, so I stayed at my aunt’s place. 吃完饭后,他们直接离开了,而我们的巴士是下午2:30,所以我住在我姑姑家。 2024-1 daily



? v. 发现,找到(discover 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: Discovered that the issue from yesterday was a design problem on my part, and I need to redesign the related form component. 发现昨天的问题是我的设计问题,我需要重新设计相关的表单组件。 2024-1 daily



? v. 讨论,辩论;详述,论述 [ 第三人称单数 discusses 现在分词 discussing 过去式 discussed 过去分词 discussed ] Sentences: # 2024-01-08 #Monday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Cloudy Worked as usual today, had a meeting to discuss new requirements. #周一#中关村科技园#多云今天照常上班,开会讨论新要求。 2024-1 daily



? v. 讨论(discuss 的过去分词);商讨 Sentences: Discussed some work-related matters, which may lead to some personnel changes. 讨论了一些与工作相关的事情,这可能会导致一些人事变动。 2024-1 daily



? n. 菜肴;餐具(dish 的复数) Sentences: The event had a simple opening and the banquet had minimal dishes. 活动的开场很简单,宴会上的菜也很少。 2024-1 daily



? v. 展示,陈列;显露,表现;(计算机)显示;(为求偶)作炫耀行为 n. 展览,陈列;表演;(计算机屏幕上的)显示,显示器;流露,表现;炫耀行为 Sentences: Everyone is relatively introverted, and there aren’t many talents on display. 每个人都是相对内向的,没有太多的天赋可以展示。 2024-1 daily



? n. 远处;疏远,隔阂;(人或物之间的)差别,差距;进展;距离 v. 疏远,远离 adj. 远距离的 [ 复数 distances 第三人称单数 distances 现在分词 distancing 过去式 distanced 过去分词 distanced ] Sentences: The traffic was heavy; it took me 30 minutes to cover a 2-kilometer distance. 交通拥挤;我花了30分钟才走完2公里的路程。 2024-1 daily



? n. 集体宿舍;<美>(学院或大学的)学生宿舍楼;<英>(为在附近城市里工作的人提供的)住宅城,郊外居住区 adj. <英>(供在另一个城市工作的人)住宅的 [ 复数 dormitories ] Sentences: He got off in Qingtian, and I arrived at the dormitory at 5:50 PM. 他在青田下车,我在下午5:50到达宿舍。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 喝醉的,醉酒的;陶醉的,沉醉的,忘乎所以 n. 酗酒者,酒鬼;<非正式>纵饮,醉酒 v. 喝,饮;喝酒(drink 的过去分词形式) [ 复数 drunks 比较级 drunker或more drunk 最高级 drunkest或most drunk ] Sentences: I apologized for causing inconvenience to my colleagues last Thursday due to getting drunk. 我为上周四因醉酒给同事带来的不便道歉。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 到期的,预期的;应有的,应得的;应付的,应给的;适当的 adv. 正对着 n. 应得,所得;会费 Sentences: Due to the server breach, many tasks couldn’t be completed, so I basically idled for the day. 由于服务器被攻破,很多任务无法完成,所以我这一天基本上都是无所事事。 2024-1 daily



? n. 饺子(dumpling 的复数) Sentences: # 2024-01-07 #Sunday #Home #Sunny Today, I woke up and had dumplings for breakfast. 今天,我醒了,早餐吃了饺子。 2024-1 daily



? prep. 在……期间;在……期间的某个时候 【名】 (During)(英、美、瑞)迪兰(人名) Sentences: # 2024-01-26 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Cloudy Normal work during the day.


2024-1 daily



? n. 努力,艰难的尝试;力气,精力;有组织的活动;努力的结果,成就;努力的结果,成就 Sentences: But now, work is not that important to me anymore; no need to invest too much effort. 但现在,工作对我来说不再那么重要了;没有必要投入太多的精力。 2024-1 daily



? conj. 或者,要么;两者都(不),既(不) pron. (两者之中)任意一个;两者都(不) adv. 也(不),亦(不);而且,还 det. (两者中的)每个,各方 adj. (两者中的)每个的,各方的 Sentences: The leaders are not too concerned either. 各国领导人也不太担心。 2024-1 daily



? v. 遇到;曾遭遇(encounter 的过去式) Sentences: # 2024-01-10 #Wednesday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny
Worked as usual, encountered issues with the source code of an Alibaba third-party dependency during development.
正常工作,在开发过程中遇到了阿里巴巴第三方依赖的源代码问题。 2024-1 daily



? n. 自然环境,生态环境;周围状况,条件;工作平台,软件包 Sentences: Around 4 PM, I went out again, visited a few nearby internet cafés, and changed to a slightly better environment to play games. 下午4点左右,我又出去了,逛了几家附近的网吧,换了一个稍微好一点的环境玩游戏。 2024-1 daily



? n. 设备,用具;(对某人或某物的)装备过程;(做某事应具备的)素质,才能 Sentences: The items I ordered on Pinduoduo arrived; they are all equipment for the newly rented room. 我在拼多多上订购的东西到了;这些都是新租房间的设备。 2024-1 daily


even though

? 尽管,虽然:用于加强说“虽然”的语气。 即使,纵然:用于表示尽管有某种可能性或情况,仍然会做某事。 Sentences: I gave the gift money even though it wasn’t necessary, but I did it for the sake of our friendship. 我给了压岁钱,虽然没有必要,但我是为了我们的友谊才这么做的。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 极其,非常;只有在特殊情况下,例外地 Sentences: In the quiet night, the noise was exceptionally loud, as if a train was passing right by my bed. 在安静的夜晚,噪音特别大,好像一列火车正好从我床边经过。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 预料的,预期的 v. 期待;预计;要求,指望(expect 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: When I arrived, my cousin gave me a gift, and as expected, I had to give the customary gift money to receive the gift. 当我到达时,我的表弟给了我一份礼物,正如我所预料的那样,我必须按惯例给礼金才能收到礼物。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 熟练的,有经验的 v. 经历,遭遇;体会到,感受到(experience 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: It snowed all day, and when walking back home over the pedestrian bridge after work, I experienced the feeling of stepping on snow. 下了一整天的雪,下班走在人行天桥上回家的时候,有一种踩在雪上的感觉。 2024-1 daily



? n. 解释,说明;解释性说法,说明性文字;理由,原因 [ 复数 explanations ] Sentences: The value of the gift isn’t much, but this explanation seemed quite absurd. 礼物价值不大,但这个解释似乎很荒谬。 2024-1 daily



? v. 降落,落下;跌倒,倒塌;(水平、数量、价格等)下跌,减少;属于;下垂,低垂;照射(到),(阴影)落在;降临,发生;倒台,失势;被打败,沦陷;阵亡,被击毙;打中,击中;(嗓音或声音)变轻,变小;进入(某状态),开始变成(某事物) n. 落下,跌倒;(数量、水平、价格等的)下降,降低;秋天,秋季;失败,垮台 ;瀑布;(摔跤或柔道项目中的)摔倒,压倒;(雨、雪等的)降落;堕落 【名】 (Fall)(西)法勒(人名) [ 复数 falls 第三人称单数 falls 现在分词 falling 过去式 fell 过去分词 fallen ] Sentences: I tried to sleep in the evening but couldn’t fall asleep. 晚上我想睡觉,但睡不着。 2024-1 daily



? n. (尤指英格兰北部的)山(冈),丘陵,高沼地;采伐的木材数量;<古>兽皮,生皮 v. 砍伐;击倒;把(接缝的边)缝平; 掉下,跌落(fall 的过去式形式) adj. 凶恶的,残暴的;和丘陵、小山有关的 【名】 (Fell)(美、英、德、法)费尔(人名) [ 复数 fells 第三人称单数 fells 现在分词 felling 过去式 felled 过去分词 felled ] Sentences: I finally fell asleep around midnight; this place is indeed much quieter. 我终于在午夜时分睡着了;这个地方确实安静多了。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 女性的,妇女的;女性特有的;由女性组成的;内孔的;雌性的,母的;雌蕊的 n. 雌性动物,雌性植物;女子 [ 复数 females 比较级 more female 最高级 most female ] Sentences: While there, I met a female college student doing an internship. 在那里,我遇到了一位正在实习的女大学生。 2024-1 daily



? n. 健康;(生物体的)环境适度;适合,胜任 Sentences: He shared his plan for the year: focus on work to clear debts and spend the remaining time on fitness. 他分享了他今年的计划:专注于工作以偿还债务,剩余的时间用于健身。 2024-1 daily



? v. 创办,成立;建造,兴建;根据,以……为基础;熔铸,铸造 adj. 偶然(或意外)发现的;(艺术)原汁原味的;装备好的;<英>(用餐、供暖)不另外收费的 v. 找到,找回;发现,发觉;(经过研究)找出,查明(find 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: Found it challenging to decide where to eat around this area. 我发现很难决定在这附近去哪里吃饭。 2024-1 daily



? vi. 变得新鲜;减少盐分;使自己精神饱满(常与up连用) vt. 使清新;使新鲜;使精神焕发 [ 第三人称单数 freshens 现在分词 freshening 过去式 freshened 过去分词 freshened ] Sentences: There was no hot water in the room, so I went back to my previous rental place to freshen up. 房间里没有热水,所以我回到以前租的地方去梳洗。 2024-1 daily


freshen up

? 洗漱:为了感觉清洁和清新而洗漱自己。 Sentences: There was no hot water in the room, so I went back to my previous rental place to freshen up. 房间里没有热水,所以我回到以前租的地方去梳洗。 2024-1 daily


freshened up

? 洗漱:为了感觉清洁和清新而洗漱自己。 Sentences: After spending some more time there, I went back home, freshened up, and went to bed. 在那里又呆了一段时间后,我回到家,梳洗一下,然后上床睡觉。 2024-1 daily



? n. 聚集,聚会;搜集,采集 v. 聚集,召集;收集,采集;认为,推断(gather 的现在分词形式) Sentences: In the evening, had dinner with colleagues, like a year-end gathering for a few of us who get along well. 晚上,和同事一起吃饭,就像我们几个相处融洽的人的年终聚会。 2024-1 daily


getting up

? 起床:指从床上起来的行为或过程。 Sentences: # 2024-01-20 #Saturday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Light-Rain
After getting up today, received a package, and spent the day playing games with friends
今天起床后,收到一个包裹,和朋友一起玩了一天的游戏 2024-1 daily


group photo

? 合影:一张拍摄多人的照片,通常是为了纪念某个特殊的场合或活动。 Sentences: They had a group photo later, but we didn’t participate. 后来他们拍了一张合影,但我们没有参加。 2024-1 daily



? v. 砍;劈;非法侵入(他人计算机系统);猛踢; hack的过去分词和过去式; Sentences: The company’s server was hacked again, and all the data was lost. 公司的服务器又被黑客入侵了,所有的数据都丢失了。 2024-1 daily



? v. 拿;处理,应付;操纵;触(球);经营,管理 n. 把手,拉手;柄,提手;(理解、解决问题的)方法,途径;<非正式>(尤指奇怪的)名字,名称;(织物等的)手感;<美,非正式>赌注总额 comb. 有……个柄的,有……柄的 Sentences: Just handle it casually. 随便处理就好。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 有头的;有标题的 v. 率领(head 的过去分词);朝向;走在……的前头 Sentences: My uncle was in a rush, so we packed up and headed over there first. 我叔叔赶时间,所以我们收拾好行李先去了那里。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 加热的,有供暖系统的;激烈的,愤怒的 v. 加热,使变暖;<古>激起,使激动(heat 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: When the water was heated, I returned to take a shower and then carried the last bit of my belongings to the new place. 水加热后,我回去洗了个澡,然后把最后一点东西搬到了新地方。 2024-1 daily



? n. 加热器;加热工 n. (Heater)人名;(英)希特 [ 复数 heaters ] Sentences: After turning on the water heater, I went to an internet café to play games. 打开热水器后,我去网吧玩游戏。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 重的,沉的;大量的,严重的;大而结实的,不精致的;厚实的;充满(某物)(heavy with);重型的,大型的;繁忙的;辛苦的,费力的;用力的,重重的;难消化的;难懂的,艰涩的;危险的,汹涌的;闷热的,沉闷的;浓郁的;(土壤)黏重的;苛刻的,严厉的;认真的,严肃的;(声音)粗重的;(身体部位)沉重的;(心情)忧伤的 n. 保镖,打手;(电影或戏剧中的)反派;<非正式>重要人物;<英,非正式> 严肃报纸(heavies);<苏格兰>烈性啤酒 adv. 浓浓地,沉重地;使不安,使担忧 [ 复数 heavies 比较级 heavier 最高级 heaviest ] Sentences: The traffic was heavy; it took me 30 minutes to cover a 2-kilometer distance. 交通拥挤;我花了30分钟才走完2公里的路程。 2024-1 daily




  1. 闲置,空转:指机器、设备或人处于未被使用或未在工作的状态。
  2. 虚度,消磨:指在无意义或无益的事情上浪费时间。 Sentences: Idled until the end of the workday. 一直闲着,直到下班。 2024-1 daily



? adj. (发动机)低速运转的 n. 游手好闲

Sentences: Spent the rest of the time idling. 剩下的时间都在无所事事。 2024-1 daily



? n. 事件,事故;(两国间的)冲突,严重摩擦;<法律>(职务、财产等所有物的)附属特权 adj. 由……产生的;<法律>附属的;入射的 [ 复数 incidents ] Sentences: Before leaving, my mom had a bathroom incident where the toilet got clogged. 临走前,我妈的厕所出了点问题,马桶堵了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 不便,麻烦;带来不便者,麻烦的人(或事物) v. 麻烦,打扰 Sentences: I apologized for causing inconvenience to my colleagues last Thursday due to getting drunk. 我为上周四因醉酒给同事带来的不便道歉。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 确实,的确;实际上;真正地;<非正式> 真的吗(表示惊讶或觉得某事物荒谬) Sentences: I finally fell asleep around midnight; this place is indeed much quieter. 我终于在午夜时分睡着了;这个地方确实安静多了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 实习生;实习期;实习医师的职位 [ 复数 internships ] Sentences: While there, I met a female college student doing an internship. 在那里,我遇到了一位正在实习的女大学生。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 性格内向的, 不爱交际的;(社团、公司或其他团体)关心内部事务为主的,内倾的,狭隘的;(器官或其他身体部位)内翻的,内弯的 v. 使……内向,使内翻(introvert 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: Everyone is relatively introverted, and there aren’t many talents on display. 每个人都是相对内向的,没有太多的天赋可以展示。 2024-1 daily



? v. 投资;投入(时间或精力);赋予,授予;<旧>给……穿衣;<旧>包围,围攻 Sentences: But now, work is not that important to me anymore; no need to invest too much effort. 但现在,工作对我来说不再那么重要了;没有必要投入太多的精力。 2024-1 daily



? v. 邀请( invite 的过去式和过去分词);请求;引诱;招致 Sentences: In the evening, a friend who was on a business trip to Wenzhou invited me for dinner, and we went to have barbecue. 晚上,一个去温州出差的朋友请我吃饭,我们一起去烧烤。 2024-1 daily



? n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;<旧>结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出 [ 复数 issues 第三人称单数 issues 现在分词 issuing 过去式 issued 过去分词 issued ] Sentences: Discovered that the issue from yesterday was a design problem on my part, and I need to redesign the related form component. 发现昨天的问题是我的设计问题,我需要重新设计相关的表单组件。 2024-1 daily



? n. 议题,问题;债券;争点(issue 的复数) v. 发行;分发;流出(issue 的第三人称单数) Sentences: # 2024-01-10 #Wednesday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny
Worked as usual, encountered issues with the source code of an Alibaba third-party dependency during development.
正常工作,在开发过程中遇到了阿里巴巴第三方依赖的源代码问题。 2024-1 daily



? vt. 放;铺设;安排(lay 的过去分词) adj. 松弛的;从容不迫的 n. (Laid)(瑞典)莱德(人名) Sentences: # 2024-01-06 #Saturday #Home #Sunny I felt very hot while sleeping last night because the blanket my mom laid out for me was too thick. 昨天晚上睡觉的时候我觉得很热,因为妈妈给我铺的毯子太厚了。 2024-1 daily


lamb chops

? 羊排:从羊身上切下的肉块,通常是肋骨和脊椎骨之间的部分。 Sentences: In the evening, after work, a colleague treated us to lamb chops. 晚上下班后,一位同事请我们吃羊排。 2024-1 daily



? n. 房东,地主;<英>(客栈、酒吧或出租公寓的)店主,老板 [ 复数 landlords ] Sentences: Then, the landlord suggested trying the north-facing room, saying it’s quieter there. 然后,房东建议试试朝北的房间,说那里更安静。 2024-1 daily



? n. 布局,设计;版面编排,版面设计;布置的东西,陈列品 [ 复数 layouts ] Sentences: When I got home in the evening, I tidied up and rearranged the layout of the house. 当我晚上回到家时,我整理并重新安排了房子的布局。 2024-1 daily



? n. 联盟,同盟;(体育项目)联合会,社团;联赛;级别,水平;里格(旧时长度单位,约等于5公里) v. (与……)组成联盟,加入联盟 Sentences: In the evening, went to the internet cafe to play League of Legends after returning home. 晚上,回家后去网吧玩英雄联盟。 2024-1 daily



? n. 传说,传奇(legend 的复数) Sentences: In the evening, went to the internet cafe to play League of Legends after returning home. 晚上,回家后去网吧玩英雄联盟。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 局部地;在本地 Sentences: We had to redeploy everything, but luckily, we still had the code locally; otherwise, we wouldn’t know what to do. 我们不得不重新部署所有内容,但幸运的是,我们仍然拥有本地代码;否则,我们就不知道该怎么办了。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 幸好,侥幸;幸运地 Sentences: We had to redeploy everything, but luckily, we still had the code locally; otherwise, we wouldn’t know what to do. 我们不得不重新部署所有内容,但幸运的是,我们仍然拥有本地代码;否则,我们就不知道该怎么办了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 行李;精神负担 Sentences: # 2024-01-02 #Tuesday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Sunny Because I couldn’t sleep last night, I got up around 6 AM to pack my luggage to move back to my previous place. 因为我昨晚睡不着,我早上6点左右起床收拾行李,搬回我以前的地方。 2024-1 daily



? v. 说谎;平躺(lie 的现在分词) adj. 说谎的 n. 说谎 Sentences: After lying down for 2 hours, I got up to take a shower and eat. 躺了两个小时后,我起来洗澡吃东西。 2024-1 daily



? n. 购物中心,步行商业区;(有遮蔽设施的)步行道,散步场所;铁圈球球场 【名】 (Mall)(美、瑞)迈勒(人名) Sentences: After eating, we went to the mall for a while, then I said goodbye and returned to my place. 吃完后,我们去了商场一会儿,然后我说再见,回到了我的地方。 2024-1 daily



? n. 比赛,竞赛;火柴;敌手,旗鼓相当的人;相配的人(或物);非常相似的东西;婚姻,配偶;适合,匹配 v. 比得上,敌得过;使成对,使相配,使相称;与……一致,与……相符;使较量,使竞赛;适应,满足;等额提供 [ 复数 matches 第三人称单数 matches 现在分词 matching 过去式 matched 过去分词 matched ] Sentences: However, the washing machine’s interface didn’t match, so I had to buy an adapter, which cost 5 yuan. 然而,洗衣机的接口不匹配,所以我不得不买了一个适配器,花了5元钱。 2024-1 daily



? n. 事项;事件;事态;情事(matter 的复数) v. 有重大影响;事关紧要(matter 的第三人称单数) n. (Matters)马特斯(人名) Sentences: Discussed some work-related matters, which may lead to some personnel changes. 讨论了一些与工作相关的事情,这可能会导致一些人事变动。 2024-1 daily



? n. 一餐,进餐(时间);一餐所吃的食物;磨成粗粉的东西 v. 进餐 [ 复数 meals ] Sentences: After the meal, they left directly, while our bus was scheduled for 2:30 PM, so I stayed at my aunt’s place. 吃完饭后,他们直接离开了,而我们的巴士是下午2:30,所以我住在我姑姑家。 2024-1 daily



? v. 提及,说起,谈到(mention 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: He mentioned that he was recently scammed out of 40,000 RMB and reported it to the police. 他提到,他最近被骗了4万元人民币,并向警方报案。 2024-1 daily



? v. 遇见(meet 的过去式和过去分词) n. (Met)人名;(瑞典)梅特 Sentences: While there, I met a female college student doing an internship. 在那里,我遇到了一位正在实习的女大学生。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 极小的,极少的;极简抽象艺术的;简朴的,朴实无华的;极简的(指短小乐句不断重复并逐渐变化);最小差别的 Sentences: The event had a simple opening and the banquet had minimal dishes. 活动的开场很简单,宴会上的菜也很少。 2024-1 daily



? n. 修改;修饰;变型;条款修订 Sentences: Made modifications to the source code and submitted pull requests. 对源代码进行修改并提交拉取请求。 2024-1 daily



? v. 修改,改进;修饰,限定;缓和,使温和;使改形,使转化;变(音)(modify 的现在分词) Sentences: # 2024-01-11 #Thursday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny
Worked as usual, spent the whole day modifying the custom form-related table component.
与往常一样工作,花了一整天的时间修改与自定义表单相关的表组件。 2024-1 daily



? n. 搬家公司;搬运工人;提出动议者(mover 复数) n. (Movers)人名;(德)莫费斯 Sentences: The movers carried my belongings to the 5th floor, and the service cost a total of 165 RMB. 搬运工把我的东西搬到了5楼,这项服务总共花费了165元人民币。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 城市的,市政的;自治城市的,地方自治的;内政的 Sentences: # 2024-01-19 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Cloudy Today, I went on a business trip to the municipal government to debug the system. #星期五#中关村科技园#阴天今天我出差去市政府调试系统。 2024-1 daily



? n. 肌肉;体力,力气;权力,影响力;<非正式>身强力壮的男子(们) v. 用力搬动;挤;<美,非正式> 以经济(或政治)压力迫使;加强 Sentences: Played ‘Golden Shovel’ for a while and did leg muscle exercises. 玩了一会儿“金铲”,锻炼了一下腿部肌肉。 2024-1 daily



? n. 肌肉(muscle 的复数) Sentences: # 2024-01-28 #Sunday #East-Ou-Residential-Community#Cloudy Today, worked out, focused on back muscles.


2024-1 daily



? adv. 自然地,天然地;当然地,必然地;天生地,天性地;不做作地;合乎常理地 Sentences: Naturally, I don’t need to be overly dedicated. 当然,我不需要过于专注。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 必要的,必需的;必然的,不可避免的;迫不得已的,非自愿的 n. (生活)必需品;<英,非正式>必要的事(the necessary);<英,非正式>足够的钱(the necessary) 【名】 (Necessary)(英)内塞瑟里(人名) [ 复数 necessaries 比较级 more necessary 最高级 most necessary ] Sentences: I gave the gift money even though it wasn’t necessary, but I did it for the sake of our friendship. 我给了压岁钱,虽然没有必要,但我是为了我们的友谊才这么做的。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 最近;重新;以新的方式 Sentences: The items I ordered on Pinduoduo arrived; they are all equipment for the newly rented room. 我在拼多多上订购的东西到了;这些都是新租房间的设备。 2024-1 daily



? n. [环境]噪音,响声,[环境]噪音(noise 的复数形式) v. 谣传(noise 的第三人称单数形式) Sentences: When I went to bed, I noticed the loud train noises outside the window. 当我上床睡觉时,我注意到窗外巨大的火车噪音。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 通常,平常;正常地;正交地 Sentences: # 2024-01-04 #Thursday#Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny Worked normally today; most of yesterday’s tasks were completed, so there wasn’t much to do.


2024-1 daily



? adj.朝北的:指建筑物、房间、窗户等朝向北方的。 Sentences: Then, the landlord suggested trying the north-facing room, saying it’s quieter there. 然后,房东建议试试朝北的房间,说那里更安静。 2024-1 daily



? v. 注意到;重视;认可;<古>评论(notice 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: When I went to bed, I noticed the loud train noises outside the window. 当我上床睡觉时,我注意到窗外巨大的火车噪音。 2024-1 daily



? n. 时机,机会 [ 复数 opportunities ] Sentences: I took the opportunity to clean and organize the room. 我利用这个机会打扫和整理房间。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 起初,原来;独创地,新颖地 Sentences: # 2024-01-21 #Sunday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Cloudy Today, I originally wanted to restrain myself from going to the internet café to play games.


2024-1 daily



? adv. 否则,不然;除此以外,在其他方面;不同地,另外地;以其他方式,用别的方法 adj. 不是那样的,另外情况下的 Sentences: We had to redeploy everything, but luckily, we still had the code locally; otherwise, we wouldn’t know what to do. 我们不得不重新部署所有内容,但幸运的是,我们仍然拥有本地代码;否则,我们就不知道该怎么办了。 2024-1 daily



? v. (把……)打包,收拾(行李);包装,装箱;(用柔软材料)把……裹(包)起来;在(容器中的食物)上覆盖物质(以防止腐烂);可折叠运输(或存放);挤进,塞满;聚集;把……盖上,填封;把……大量放进,装满;(把……)压实,(使)堆积;在(委员会或会议)中安插(支持者、利己的人或事物);<非正式>具有,能产生(强大之物或能量);<美,非正式>携带(武器);(橄榄球)形成对阵争球 n. 包,包裹,捆;(尤指士兵或野外徒步者的)背包;(一般为纸质的)小盒,小包;一副纸牌;(一起生活猎食的)兽群(尤指狼群);(尤指不受人喜欢的)一帮,一伙;(比赛或竞赛中的)集群,集团;(放在伤口上止血或消肿的)裹布,敷料;(美容用的)面膜,贴膜;一队(男或女幼童军);(军事交通工具,尤指飞机或潜水艇的)一组,一队;(英橄)全体前锋;(极地海洋中的)流冰群,浮冰群 【名】 (Pack)(英、德)帕克(人名) [ 复数 packs 第三人称单数 packs 现在分词 packing 过去式 packed 过去分词 packed ] Sentences: # 2024-01-02 #Tuesday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Sunny Because I couldn’t sleep last night, I got up around 6 AM to pack my luggage to move back to my previous place. 因为我昨晚睡不着,我早上6点左右起床收拾行李,搬回我以前的地方。 2024-1 daily


packed up

? 整理行李:将个人物品整理收拾并放入行李箱或其他容器中以便旅行。 停止,放弃:在事情变得困难时停止或放弃。 停止工作:指停止正常工作。 Sentences: My uncle was in a rush, so we packed up and headed over there first. 我叔叔赶时间,所以我们收拾好行李先去了那里。 2024-1 daily


? adj. (工作等)有偿的,付费的;有报酬的,领取薪金的;(用在复合词中)报酬……的;(休假)带薪的 v. 支付,付费;交纳,偿还;付出代价(pay 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: I hadn’t paid attention to this during the house viewing. 我在看房的时候没有注意到这一点。 2024-1 daily



? n. 部分;某物的部分(局部);(书、戏剧、电视剧等的)部,篇,集;(动植物的)器官,部位;部件,零件;成员,参与人员;(世界、国家或城镇等的)区域,地区;(头发的)分缝;(角色的)台词和动作,角色;(在活动或事件中的)作用;(乐器或声音的)声部,音部;(等)份;<古>能力 v. (使)分开,(使)分离;分别;分手;放弃,移交;给(头发)分缝 adv. 既有……又有……(part sth., part sth.);不完全地,部分地 adj. 部分的,不完全的 【名】 (Part)(英、瑞典)帕特,(泰)巴,(法)帕尔(人名) [ 复数 parts 第三人称单数 parts 现在分词 parting 过去式 parted 过去分词 parted ] Sentences: Discovered that the issue from yesterday was a design problem on my part, and I need to redesign the related form component. 发现昨天的问题是我的设计问题,我需要重新设计相关的表单组件。 2024-1 daily



? v. 参加,参与;<古>分担,分享;<古>具有,带有(特殊的性质) Sentences: They had a group photo later, but we didn’t participate. 后来他们拍了一张合影,但我们没有参加。 2024-1 daily


passing right by

? 正好路过 Sentences: In the quiet night, the noise was exceptionally loud, as if a train was passing right by my bed. 在安静的夜晚,噪音特别大,好像一列火车正好从我床边经过。 2024-1 daily



? n. 步行者,行人 adj. 平淡无奇的,乏味的;行人的,行人使用的;徒步的 Sentences: It snowed all day, and when walking back home over the pedestrian bridge after work, I experienced the feeling of stepping on snow. 下了一整天的雪,下班走在人行天桥上回家的时候,有一种踩在雪上的感觉。 2024-1 daily


pedestrian bridge

? 行人桥:一座专门为行人设计的桥梁,用于连接两个地点,使行人能够安全地穿过道路或其他障碍物。 Sentences: It snowed all day, and when walking back home over the pedestrian bridge after work, I experienced the feeling of stepping on snow. 下了一整天的雪,下班走在人行天桥上回家的时候,有一种踩在雪上的感觉。 2024-1 daily



? v. 演出,表演;执行,履行(尤指复杂的任务或行动);运行,表现;起……作用,有……功能 Sentences: There was talk about people going on stage to perform, but no one was willing to do so. 有人说要上台表演,但没人愿意这样做。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 可能;(用以缓和语气或表示礼貌)也许,可能;(委婉地表示不赞同或不接受)也许,大概;(用于提出建议或请求)也许 n. 假定,猜想 Sentences: Perhaps it’s due to the new place or maybe I was too warm with too many clothes on while sleeping, but I couldn’t fall asleep all night. 可能是新地方的原因,也可能是我睡觉时穿了太多衣服,太暖和了,但我整晚都睡不着。 2024-1 daily


personnel changes

? 人事变动 Sentences: Discussed some work-related matters, which may lead to some personnel changes. 讨论了一些与工作相关的事情,这可能会导致一些人事变动。 2024-1 daily



? v. 采,摘(花、果);(用手指)弄掉;找茬;捡,抱起;选择;弹,拨(弦);撬开(锁),扒窃……中的东西;小心走路(~ one’s way);(反复地)拔,拉,撕,扯;没胃口地吃;(高尔夫)拾球(尤指认输的拾球)(~ up);采,摘(花、果等) n. 精华(the pick of);选择,选择权;被选中的人(或事物);鹤嘴锄;(吉他的)拨子;(尖状的)挖撬工具;(篮球)掩护 【名】 (Pick)(英、法、德、捷、匈、瑞典)皮克(人名) Sentences: A friend came to pick me up and treated me to a meal. 一个朋友来接我,请我吃饭。 2024-1 daily



? n. 富裕,充裕 pron. 大量,众多 adv. 大量,很多;<非正式>非常,十分;<非正式>足够有余 det. <非正式>很多,大量 Sentences: Had beef noodles for lunch, with plenty of beef, and it only cost 13 yuan. 午餐吃牛肉面,牛肉很多,而且只要13元。 2024-1 daily



? n. <英>燕麦粥,麦片粥;<英,非正式>关押期,监禁期 Sentences: After drinking porridge at noon, I played a singing app on my phone. 中午喝完粥,我在手机上玩了一个唱歌的app。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 潜在的,可能的 n. (事物的)潜力,可能性;(人的)潜能,潜力;电势,电位,电压 [ 复数 potentials ] Sentences: After leaving, I briefly met with a potential match at a designated location, but she had friends with her, making it difficult to have a proper conversation. 离开后,我在一个指定的地点与一位潜在的伴侣短暂会面,但她身边有朋友,所以很难进行适当的交谈。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 预谋的;预先考虑的;经预先计划的 v. 预谋(premeditate 的过去式和过去分词);预先考虑 Sentences: It seemed premeditated, both in their words and actions. 从他们的言语和行动来看,这似乎是有预谋的。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 先付的,已支付的 v. 预付(prepay 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: I planned to wash my hair and withdraw some cash, but I found out that the hair salon where I had previously prepaid was closed. 我打算洗头取些现金,但我发现我之前预付费的发廊已经关门了。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 以前的,先前的;(时间或顺序上)稍前的;<非正式>过早的,过急的 n. <英,非正式>前科,犯罪记录 Sentences: # 2024-01-02 #Tuesday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Sunny Because I couldn’t sleep last night, I got up around 6 AM to pack my luggage to move back to my previous place. 因为我昨晚睡不着,我早上6点左右起床收拾行李,搬回我以前的地方。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 以前地,先前地 Sentences: I planned to wash my hair and withdraw some cash, but I found out that the hair salon where I had previously prepaid was closed. 我打算洗头取些现金,但我发现我之前预付费的发廊已经关门了。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 有希望的,有前途的 v. 承诺,答应;使很可能,预示(promise 的现在分词形式) Sentences: It took her about 5 minutes to finish, and she mentioned needing my help again tomorrow, promising to remind me. 她花了大约5分钟的时间才完成,她提到明天还需要我的帮助,并答应提醒我。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 真正的,像样的;实际上的,严格意义上的;正确的,合适的;合理的,合乎体统的;非常有礼貌的,循规蹈矩的;<正式> 特有的,专有的;完全的,彻底的;<英,非正式> 用于强调地道的;(圣诗、教义、祷词等)用于某特定场合的;(纹章)原色的;(数)真的,正常的 adv. <英,非正式> 完全地,彻底地;<英,非正式> 正确地,恰当地 n. 特定季节(或节日)的礼仪 Sentences: After leaving, I briefly met with a potential match at a designated location, but she had friends with her, making it difficult to have a proper conversation. 离开后,我在一个指定的地点与一位潜在的伴侣短暂会面,但她身边有朋友,所以很难进行适当的交谈。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 已经购买的 v. 购买(purchase 的过去分词) Sentences: # 2024-01-13 #Saturday#East-Ou-Residential-Community #Sunny
Today, I was waiting for the arrival of the Haier refrigerator and Xiaomi washing machine I purchased online.
今天,我在网上购买了海尔冰箱和小米洗衣机,等待着它们的到来。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 相当,很;非常,十分;完全地,彻底地;(用于否定词后面表示某事不完全正确或清楚)不大确切地,差不多;<英>(表示赞同或理解)对,正是;(用于名词词组前,表示强调)出众的,了不起的;<西印度>自始至终,一路上 Sentences: # 2024-01-22 #Monday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #snowy Normal work today, it snowed, which is quite rare for Wenzhou. 今天正常工作,下了雪,这在温州是很少见的。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 少见的,不常发生的;稀罕的,珍贵的;半熟的,半生的;(品质)极好的,杰出的;(空气)稀薄的,缺氧的;<英,非正式>非常的,极度的 Sentences: # 2024-01-22 #Monday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #snowy Normal work today, it snowed, which is quite rare for Wenzhou. 今天正常工作,下了雪,这在温州是很少见的。 2024-1 daily



? v. 重新排列,重新整理;重新安排(rearrange 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: When I got home in the evening, I tidied up and rearranged the layout of the house. 当我晚上回到家时,我整理并重新安排了房子的布局。 2024-1 daily



? v.

  1. 重新启动,重启:指计算机或其他电子设备在关闭后重新开启,以便重新加载操作系统或程序。
  2. 重制,翻新:指对原有作品进行重新创作或改编,以便为观众带来新的体验。 Sentences: Yesterday, there was no hot water, so I rebooted the system to check if there is hot water available today. 昨天没有热水,所以我重新启动了系统,看看今天有没有热水。 2024-1 daily



? v. 得到,收到;遭受,经受(特定待遇);对……作出反应;接待,招待;接收(某人为成员);接收,收听(信号);(通过无线电)听到;购买,窝藏(赃物);接(球);领受(圣餐面包或葡萄酒);接受(治疗);形成(看法,印象);容纳,承接 Sentences: Receive my salary. 领取我的薪水。 2024-1 daily



? v. 拿到,接到;接受(治疗); 接待(receive 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: # 2024-01-20 #Saturday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Light-Rain
After getting up today, received a package, and spent the day playing games with friends
今天起床后,收到一个包裹,和朋友一起玩了一天的游戏 2024-1 daily



? adv. 最近,不久前 Sentences: He mentioned that he was recently scammed out of 40,000 RMB and reported it to the police. 他提到,他最近被骗了4万元人民币,并向警方报案。 2024-1 daily



? v. 给(电池等)再充电;(电池等)再充电;再倒满(茶杯等容器);再灌满;(人)恢复精神(或体力);再袭击(recharge 的过去式及过去分词) Sentences: Recharged 100 yuan for internet fees and played until around 7 PM before returning home to rest. 充了100元网费,玩到晚上7点左右才回家休息。 2024-1 daily



? vt. 重新部署;调动 vi. 重新部署 [ 第三人称单数 redeploys 现在分词 redeploying 过去式 redeployed 过去分词 redeployed ] Sentences: We had to redeploy everything, but luckily, we still had the code locally; otherwise, we wouldn’t know what to do. 我们不得不重新部署所有内容,但幸运的是,我们仍然拥有本地代码;否则,我们就不知道该怎么办了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 冰箱,冷藏库 Sentences: # 2024-01-13 #Saturday#East-Ou-Residential-Community #Sunny
Today, I was waiting for the arrival of the Haier refrigerator and Xiaomi washing machine I purchased online.
今天,我在网上购买了海尔冰箱和小米洗衣机,等待着它们的到来。 2024-1 daily



? 亲人的

Sentences: # 2024-01-05 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny I slacked off at work and took the afternoon off due to needing to attend a relative’s wedding over the weekend. 由于周末要去参加一个亲戚的婚礼,我在工作上懈怠了,下午休息了。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 相当地,相对地 Sentences: Everyone is relatively introverted, and there aren’t many talents on display. 每个人都是相对内向的,没有太多的天赋可以展示。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 剩下的,遗留的;尚未使用、解决的;尚未发生的 v. 保持不变;遗留;尚待处理(remain 的现在分词) Sentences: He shared his plan for the year: focus on work to clear debts and spend the remaining time on fitness. 他分享了他今年的计划:专注于工作以偿还债务,剩余的时间用于健身。 2024-1 daily



? v. 提醒,使想起;(因相像)使联想起(remind sb. of) [ 第三人称单数 reminds 现在分词 reminding 过去式 reminded 过去分词 reminded ] Sentences: It took her about 5 minutes to finish, and she mentioned needing my help again tomorrow, promising to remind me. 她花了大约5分钟的时间才完成,她提到明天还需要我的帮助,并答应提醒我。 2024-1 daily



? n. 租费,租金;出租,租赁;<美>租用物(尤指房屋或车辆) adj. (与)租借(有关)的,可供租用的 [ 复数 rentals ] Sentences: Before going home, I changed to a different room in an available rental space. 在回家之前,我在一个可用的出租空间里换了一个不同的房间。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 租用的 v. 租用(rent 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: The items I ordered on Pinduoduo arrived; they are all equipment for the newly rented room. 我在拼多多上订购的东西到了;这些都是新租房间的设备。 2024-1 daily



? n. 要求(requirement 的复数);调整需要量,必需品 Sentences: # 2024-01-12 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny
Normal workday, worked on developing custom form-related requirements.


2024-1 daily



? 居住 Sentences: I watched TV dramas, and at noon, I had to go to my aunt’s house, which is where the main couple of the wedding resides. 我看了电视剧,中午,我不得不去我姑姑家,那是婚礼的主要夫妇住的地方。 2024-1 daily


rest of the time

? 剩余的时间:指在某段时间中除去已经使用或安排的时间之后剩下的时间。 Sentences: Spent the rest of the time idling. 剩下的时间都在无所事事。 2024-1 daily



? v. 制止,阻止;克制,抑制;控制(某事物);剥夺……的行动自由(或人身自由),管押;(安全带)缚住(人或其身体部位) Sentences: # 2024-01-21 #Sunday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Cloudy Today, I originally wanted to restrain myself from going to the internet café to play games.


2024-1 daily



? v. 取回,索回;检索数据;挽回,找回;收绕钓鱼线;捡起;回忆;(狗)找到并衔回(中枪猎物)(retrieve 的现在分词) Sentences: Retrieving the money seems unlikely. 收回这笔钱似乎不太可能。 2024-1 daily



? v. 冲,奔;把(某人或某物)迅速送往;赶紧做,仓促做;催促,使赶紧;(水、液体等)快速流动;(因感到尴尬)某人的脸/面颊涨红;向……猛冲,猛攻;<美>(大学生联谊会通过举办聚会等)招纳,招收(新会员);办理手续加入(大学生联谊会);(美橄)突袭(对方队员,尤指枢纽前卫);(美式橄榄中)跑动带(球);仓促生产并分发,匆匆出售(rush something out) n. (尤指一群人的)冲,奔;(空气、水等)湍流;匆忙,赶紧;(人流或交通的)高峰时间(the rush);(很多人)争做,急需;迸发的情绪,情绪迸发;(因吸食毒品或因兴奋事物产生的)一阵激动;工作样片(rushes);灯心草(常用来编筐);(美橄)突袭对方队员(尤指枢纽前卫);(美式橄榄球中的)跑动带球;(大学生联谊会的)招新活动;(美国大学生联谊会的)纳新活动(时间) 【名】 (Rush)(英)拉什(人名) [ 复数 rushes 第三人称单数 rushes 现在分词 rushing 过去式 rushed 过去分词 rushed ] Sentences: My uncle was in a rush, so we packed up and headed over there first. 我叔叔赶时间,所以我们收拾好行李先去了那里。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 仓促而就的,草率的;忙碌的 v. 迅速移动;匆忙行事;突袭(rush 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: After quickly moving my things, I rushed to catch transportation. 我迅速搬了东西后,就赶去赶交通工具。 2024-1 daily



? n. 薪金,薪水 v. <古> 给……薪金 Sentences: Receive my salary. 领取我的薪水。 2024-1 daily



? n. 美发厅,美容院;高级服装店,时装店;<旧>(大宅中的)客厅,会客室;沙龙(旧时作家、艺术家等在名流家中定期举行的聚会);沙龙画展(Salon) 【名】 (Salon)(法、西、捷、瑞典)萨隆(人名) [ 复数 salons ] Sentences: I planned to wash my hair and withdraw some cash, but I found out that the hair salon where I had previously prepaid was closed. 我打算洗头取些现金,但我发现我之前预付费的发廊已经关门了。 2024-1 daily



? 欺诈(scam 的过去式与过去分词形式) Sentences: He mentioned that he was recently scammed out of 40,000 RMB and reported it to the police. 他提到,他最近被骗了4万元人民币,并向警方报案。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 预先安排的,按时刻表的;(尤指航班)定期的;<英>(建筑,历史遗迹)列入文物保护单位的 v. 安排;将……列入计划表(或时间表等);<英>把(建筑物)列为文物保护单位(schedule 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: After the meal, they left directly, while our bus was scheduled for 2:30 PM, so I stayed at my aunt’s place. 吃完饭后,他们直接离开了,而我们的巴士是下午2:30,所以我住在我姑姑家。 2024-1 daily



? v.似乎,好像:表示外表上的观察或感觉,但不一定是事实。 Sentences: Retrieving the money seems unlikely. 收回这笔钱似乎不太可能。 2024-1 daily



? n. 服务;服务项目;维修(service 的复数) v. 服务;检修(service 的第三人称单数) Sentences: I had already arranged moving services but ended up canceling them. 我已经安排了搬家服务,但最后取消了。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 分享的,共有的 v. 共享,合用;分配;共同拥有(某种看法、特质或经历)(share 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: He shared his plan for the year: focus on work to clear debts and spend the remaining time on fitness. 他分享了他今年的计划:专注于工作以偿还债务,剩余的时间用于健身。 2024-1 daily



? n. 铲子,铁锹;(推土机、挖土机等的)铲,铲形部分;一铲(的量) v. (用铲子)铲起,铲去;把……大量送入 Sentences: Played ‘Golden Shovel’ for a while and did leg muscle exercises. 玩了一会儿“金铲”,锻炼了一下腿部肌肉。 2024-1 daily



? n. 淋浴器,花洒;淋浴间,淋浴室;淋浴,洗澡;阵雨,阵雪;(落下的东西)一大批,一阵; 流星雨;<美>(为即将结婚或分娩的女子举行的)送礼聚会;<英,非正式> 一群乌合之众,一群笨蛋 v. 淋浴,洗澡;洒落,(使)纷纷降落;朝…阵雨般地扔(大量小东西)(shower sb. with);大量给予,慷慨给予 [ 复数 showers 第三人称单数 showers 现在分词 showering 过去式 showered 过去分词 showered ] Sentences: Returned home, took a shower, watched some videos, and went to sleep. 回到家,洗了个澡,看了些视频,然后就睡觉了。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 生病的,患病的;病人的;恶心的,想吐的;不快的,恼怒的;厌倦的,厌烦的;(情感)强烈得令人不适的;(人)变态的,病态的;(故事、笑话等)令人毛骨悚然的,病态的;不祥的;(喻)(组织,体系,社团)面临严重问题的,不景气的;<非正式> 极好的;渴望的 n. 病人(the sick);<英,非正式> 呕吐物 v. <英,非正式> 呕吐;放狗咬;<非正式> 派某人去追击(或监视、陪伴) 【名】 (Sick)(德、西)西克(人名) [ 第三人称单数 sicks 现在分词 sicking 过去式 sicked 过去分词 sicked 比较级 sicker或more sick 最高级 sickest或most sick ] Sentences: I was supposed to work today but took a sick day. 我今天本该上班的,但请了一天病假。 2024-1 daily



? prep. 自……以后,自……以来;(表示气愤)何曾,什么时候 conj. 在……以后,自……以来;因为,由于,既然 adv. 自……以后,自……以来;此后,后来 n. (Since)(法、美)新斯(人名) Sentences: She needed me to scan a QR code to follow her, and since she seemed quite attractive, I agreed. 她需要我扫描二维码来关注她,因为她看起来很有魅力,我同意了。 2024-1 daily



? v.松懈,懒散:减少工作、努力或注意力 Sentences: # 2024-01-05 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny I slacked off at work and took the afternoon off due to needing to attend a relative’s wedding over the weekend. 由于周末要去参加一个亲戚的婚礼,我在工作上懈怠了,下午休息了。 2024-1 daily


slacked off

? 懈怠:做某事时减少努力或精力。 减少活跃或积极性:变得不再活跃、有力等。 Sentences: # 2024-01-05 #Friday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny I slacked off at work and took the afternoon off due to needing to attend a relative’s wedding over the weekend. 由于周末要去参加一个亲戚的婚礼,我在工作上懈怠了,下午休息了。 2024-1 daily



? adv. 稍微,轻微地;(指某人身材)纤弱地,瘦小地 Sentences: Around 4 PM, I went out again, visited a few nearby internet cafés, and changed to a slightly better environment to play games. 下午4点左右,我又出去了,逛了几家附近的网吧,换了一个稍微好一点的环境玩游戏。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 无烟的;禁止吸烟的 Sentences: He also mentioned he’s been smoke-free for 8 days and is determined to quit successfully this time. 他还提到他已经戒烟8天了,这次他决心成功戒烟。 2024-1 daily



? n. 插座;插孔;窝,槽,臼(socket 的复数形式) v. 把……装入托座;用棒头位置击打(socket 的第三人称单数) Sentences: Installed the curtain for the bathroom and the waterproof box for the sockets. 安装浴室窗帘和插座防水盒。 2024-1 daily



? n. (问题、困难等的)解决办法;(练习或竞赛的)解答,答案;溶液(solution 的复数) Sentences: # 2024-01-09 #Tuesday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny
Normal day at work, discussed and developed solutions for new requirements.
#星期二#中关村科技园#阳光明媚的一天正常工作,讨论并制定新要求的解决方案。 2024-1 daily



? n. 来源,出处;(问题的)原因,根源;消息人士,信息来源;河流源头,发源地;源(代)码;(电子)源极,电源;(技)源 v. (从某地)获得;找出……的来源 Sentences: # 2024-01-10 #Wednesday #Zhongguancun-Science-Park #Sunny
Worked as usual, encountered issues with the source code of an Alibaba third-party dependency during development.
正常工作,在开发过程中遇到了阿里巴巴第三方依赖的源代码问题。 2024-1 daily



? v. 度过,花(时间);花(钱),花费;消耗,用尽(精力等) n. 花费,开销 n. 预算 [ 第三人称单数 spends 现在分词 spending 过去式 spent 过去分词 spent ] Sentences: He shared his plan for the year: focus on work to clear debts and spend the remaining time on fitness. 他分享了他今年的计划:专注于工作以偿还债务,剩余的时间用于健身。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 用过已废的,失效的;筋疲力尽的 v. 用,花(钱);花费,度过(一段时间);用尽,耗尽(spend 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: # 2024-01-20 #Saturday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Light-Rain
After getting up today, received a package, and spent the day playing games with friends
今天起床后,收到一个包裹,和朋友一起玩了一天的游戏 2024-1 daily



? n. 阶段,时期;旅程(或赛跑中)的一段;舞台;戏剧,戏剧表演;(尤指政治)舞台,活动领域;(火箭的)级;层,楼层,塔层;演员职业;<非正式>马车;(显微镜的)镜台;(电子)(电路的)级;(地质)(年代地质学用语)与某时代对应的一段地层,层 vt. 上演,演出;主办,举行;使发生;成功做成(某事);(医)把(疾病,病人)诊断(或归类)为疾病的特定期 Sentences: There was talk about people going on stage to perform, but no one was willing to do so. 有人说要上台表演,但没人愿意这样做。 2024-1 daily



? v. 踏;以步测量;行走;跳舞;做,采取行动(step 的现在分词) Sentences: It snowed all day, and when walking back home over the pedestrian bridge after work, I experienced the feeling of stepping on snow. 下了一整天的雪,下班走在人行天桥上回家的时候,有一种踩在雪上的感觉。 2024-1 daily



? v. 建议;推荐;(使)联想到;暗示;唤起(suggest 的过去式及过去分词) Sentences: Then, the landlord suggested trying the north-facing room, saying it’s quieter there. 然后,房东建议试试朝北的房间,说那里更安静。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 假定的,据说的;应当的;预期的;被允许的;坚信的 v. 预期,推断;假定;认为(suppose 的过去式和过去分词形式) Sentences: I was supposed to work today but took a sick day. 我今天本该上班的,但请了一天病假。 2024-1 daily



? v. 上网;冲浪;<非正式>坐在高速行驶的车辆(尤指火车)顶部(或外面)享受刺激感;<美,非正式>频繁调换电视频道(同 channel-surf) n. 拍岸浪花;一次冲浪 [ 第三人称单数 surfs 现在分词 surfing 过去式 surfed 过去分词 surfed ] Sentences: Cleaned up a bit, only made the bed, then went out to surf the internet. 打扫了一下,只整理了床铺,然后就出去上网了。 2024-1 daily



? v. 流汗,出汗,冒汗;通过出汗排除;(通过运动或费力)使(人,动物)出汗;(食品,物体)渗出水分;辛苦工作,拼命干活;(人)(多指长时间的)处于极度焦虑中;<非正式> 担心,焦虑,紧张;熔焊(金属);用文火炖(肉或蔬菜) n. 汗水,汗液;一身汗,满身大汗;<非正式> 艰难的工作,累活,繁重的工作;<美> 田径服,运动服,运动裤(sweats);(用羊毛似的厚棉布做的)宽松休闲服装 Sentences: The weather was good, but it was hot inside the vehicle, causing me to sweat. 天气很好,但车里很热,让我出汗。 2024-1 daily



? n. 桌布;台布 Sentences: The tablecloth I bought was too small. 我买的桌布太小了。 2024-1 daily



? n. 外卖;(桥牌中)示意搭档改叫的叫牌;击飞 adj. 外卖的,供顾客带出外吃的 Sentences: In the evening, ordered takeout from a nearby fast-food restaurant, but it wasn’t tasty. 晚上,在附近的快餐店叫了外卖,但味道不好。 2024-1 daily



? n. 人才;才能,天赋(talent 的复数) Sentences: Everyone is relatively introverted, and there aren’t many talents on display. 每个人都是相对内向的,没有太多的天赋可以展示。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 美味的;<非正式> 有趣的;<英,非正式> 性感的,迷人的;善战的 Sentences: In the evening, ordered takeout from a nearby fast-food restaurant, but it wasn’t tasty. 晚上,在附近的快餐店叫了外卖,但味道不好。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 厚的,粗的;有……厚的;(衣服)厚重的,暖和的 ;(字体)粗体的;茂密的,繁茂的;(毛发)浓密的;(烟、云、雾等)浑浊的,能见度低的;(液体)稠的,浓的;<非正式> 愚钝的,笨的;(尤指由于疾病、酗酒而使头脑)隐痛的,思路不清的;充满的,弥漫的;(因为难过等而嗓音)沙哑的,低沉的;(口音)重的,难听懂的;亲密无间的,交情厚的 n. 在……最激烈时,在……最紧张的时刻(the thick) adv. 厚地,浓密地;大量地 Sentences: # 2024-01-06 #Saturday #Home #Sunny I felt very hot while sleeping last night because the blanket my mom laid out for me was too thick. 昨天晚上睡觉的时候我觉得很热,因为妈妈给我铺的毯子太厚了。 2024-1 daily



? prep. 穿过,从一端到另一端;透过(玻璃、窗户等);越过(地区或空间),在……之间;断开,洞穿;(在应停处)径直通过;以,凭借;贯穿,遍及;自始至终,从头至尾;<美>直至;彻底地(查看或检查);经历,度过;胜利完成;(提议、观点)获得通过,得到批准 adv. 从一端到另一端;完全地,彻底地,十足地;接通电话;通过(障碍、阶段或测试);直达,迳直;从头至尾;到(某个阶段或某种程度);切断, 凿穿;胜利完成 adj. 完成的,结束的;直达的,直通的,中途不停的;断绝的;(公路)对穿的,双向的;(房间)与楼两对面通透的;(竞赛队,竞技者)进入下一轮(比赛)的 Sentences: Then, I packed my luggage and after having lunch, I booked a moving service through Meituan. 然后,我收拾好行李,吃过午饭后,我通过美团预订了搬家服务。 2024-1 daily



? v. 整理(tidy 的过去式和过去分词) Sentences: When I got home in the evening, I tidied up and rearranged the layout of the house. 当我晚上回到家时,我整理并重新安排了房子的布局。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 整洁的,有条理的;(人)爱整洁的,爱整齐的;<非正式>(款额)巨大的;相当好的,令人满意的 v. 使整洁,整理 n. 盛零碎物品的容器;<英>整理,收拾;<美>(椅子靠背的)罩单,套子 Sentences: The items I ordered online arrived, and I went home at noon to tidy up the room. 我在网上订购的东西到了,中午回家收拾房间。 2024-1 daily



? 整理 收拾(tidy 的变体) 使整齐(tidy 的变体 Sentences: After briefly tidying up and having dinner out, I went to an internet café to play League of Legends. 在做了简单的整理和出去吃晚饭后,我去网吧玩《英雄联盟》。 2024-1 daily



? n. 抽水马桶,坐便器;厕所,洗手间;梳洗,打扮;(治疗过程中对身体部位的)清洗;上厕所,解手 v. 照料(人,尤其是婴儿或伤病人士)上厕所;上厕所;梳妆,打扮 [ 复数 toilets 第三人称单数 toilets 现在分词 toileting 过去式 toileted 过去分词 toileted ] Sentences: Before leaving, my mom had a bathroom incident where the toilet got clogged. 临走前,我妈的厕所出了点问题,马桶堵了。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 总的,全部的;完全的,绝对的 v. 总数达,总计;把……加起来;<美,非正式>彻底毁坏(汽车);杀死,严重伤害(某人) n. 总数,合计 【名】 (Total)(法、德)托塔尔(人名) [ 复数 totals 第三人称单数 totals 现在分词 totalling或totaling 过去式 totalled或totaled 过去分词 totalled或totaled ] Sentences: The movers carried my belongings to the 5th floor, and the service cost a total of 165 RMB. 搬运工把我的东西搬到了5楼,这项服务总共花费了165元人民币。 2024-1 daily



? n. 火车,列车;(行进中的)行列,队列;随从,扈从;一系列,一连串(事件或想法);裙裾,拖裾;(转动的)轮系,齿轮组;(引爆炸药用的)导火线 v. 培训,训练;(为准备体育赛事而)操练;锻炼,培养(某一素质或能力);训(兽);(尤指用枪、照相机)对准,瞄准;使(植物)朝某方向生长,修整 【名】 (Train)(英)特雷恩,(法)特兰,(意)特拉因(人名) [ 复数 trains 第三人称单数 trains 现在分词 training 过去式 trained 过去分词 trained ] Sentences: When I went to bed, I noticed the loud train noises outside the window. 当我上床睡觉时,我注意到窗外巨大的火车噪音。 2024-1 daily



? n. 运输,运送;交通运输系统;运输工具,交通方式;(犯人的)流放,放逐 Sentences: After quickly moving my things, I rushed to catch transportation. 我迅速搬了东西后,就赶去赶交通工具。 2024-1 daily



? v. 治疗;对待;招待;处理(treat 的过去式和过去分词) adj. 治疗的;已处理过的 Sentences: A friend came to pick me up and treated me to a meal. 一个朋友来接我,请我吃饭。 2024-1 daily



? n. 转弯处,岔路口;转向,旋转;车削,车工工艺;车削下脚,削屑(turnings) v. 使旋转,使转动;转身,扭转(身体部位);翻动,翻转(turn 的现在分词) [ 复数 turnings ] Sentences: After turning on the water heater, I went to an internet café to play games. 打开热水器后,我去网吧玩游戏。 2024-1 daily


tv dramas

? 电视剧 Sentences: I watched TV dramas, and at noon, I had to go to my aunt’s house, which is where the main couple of the wedding resides. 我看了电视剧,中午,我不得不去我姑姑家,那是婚礼的主要夫妇住的地方。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 不能胜任的,不会的 Sentences: Unable to withdraw the money, I deliberated whether to give the gift money. 由于无法取款,我考虑是否要给礼金。 2024-1 daily



? vt. 经历,经受(undergo 的现在分词) Sentences: I worked on fixing bugs for the project undergoing testing. 我为正在测试的项目修复bug。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 不大可能发生的;未必真实的,难以相信的; 非心目中的,不大恰当的;不典型的;(两个人或物)不般配的 adv. 未必 [ 比较级 unlikelier或more unlikely 最高级 unlikeliest或most unlikely ] Sentences: Retrieving the money seems unlikely. 收回这笔钱似乎不太可能。 2024-1 daily



? n. 交通工具,车辆;(实现目的的)工具,媒介;(为展露主演者才华而)度身定制的创作(电影、电视节目、歌曲等);赋形药,调漆料;(个人,组织从事经营、尤指投资的)公司 Sentences: The weather was good, but it was hot inside the vehicle, causing me to sweat. 天气很好,但车里很热,让我出汗。 2024-1 daily



? n. 腰,腰围;(衣服的)腰部,腰身;船腰,飞机机身中部,(提琴、沙漏等的)中间细部,(黄蜂等的)细腰;<美>女衬衫,紧身胸衣 Sentences: Watched videos, cooked corn, and after eating, did some exercises for the waist and legs. 看视频,煮玉米,吃完后,做一些腰部和腿部的运动。 2024-1 daily




  1. 漫游,闲逛:在一个地方到另一个地方漫无目的地走动,通常是为了消磨时间或欣赏周围的景色。
  2. 走神,心不在焉:注意力不集中,思绪飘忽。 Sentences: After a simple meal, I helped them move some things, then went to withdraw money and wandered the streets for a while before returning home. 吃了一顿简单的饭,我帮他们搬了一些东西,然后去取了钱,在街上逛了一会儿才回家。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 暖和的,温暖的;(衣服或建筑物)保暖的,防寒的;友好的,热情的;暖色调的;(尤指儿童游戏中)快要发现的,即将猜中的;(土壤)吸热快的,保温的;(猎)(气味,踪迹)新鲜的,强烈的;(声音)充满情感的,浑厚饱满的 v. (使)温暖,(使)变暖和;(对某人) 产生好感,(对想法) 开始感兴趣;同情;激动;使……兴奋; (使)变得更友好,变得更可爱;<非正式>打(某人屁股) n. 暖和的地方(或地区)(the warm);取暖;厚呢短大衣(British warm的简称) adv. 温暖地 【名】 (Warm)沃姆(人名) [ 第三人称单数 warms 现在分词 warming 过去式 warmed 过去分词 warmed 比较级 warmer 最高级 warmest ] Sentences: Perhaps it’s due to the new place or maybe I was too warm with too many clothes on while sleeping, but I couldn’t fall asleep all night. 可能是新地方的原因,也可能是我睡觉时穿了太多衣服,太暖和了,但我整晚都睡不着。 2024-1 daily


washing machine

? 洗衣机,洗涤机 Sentences: # 2024-01-13 #Saturday#East-Ou-Residential-Community #Sunny
Today, I was waiting for the arrival of the Haier refrigerator and Xiaomi washing machine I purchased online.
今天,我在网上购买了海尔冰箱和小米洗衣机,等待着它们的到来。 2024-1 daily



? n. 水,雨水;水域,(江、河、湖、海等)大片的水;(某个国家的)领海,海域(waters);不明朗(或未知的、困难、危险等)局面(waters);羊水(waters);(湖、海的)水面;水位;乘船,走水路 v. 给……浇水,灌溉;给……水喝,饮(动物);(风等使眼睛)流泪;流口水;(江河)流经并给(某地区)供水;加水冲淡,稀释 【名】 (Water)(英)沃特(人名) [ 复数 waters 第三人称单数 waters 现在分词 watering 过去式 watered 过去分词 watered ] Sentences: Yesterday, there was no hot water, so I rebooted the system to check if there is hot water available today. 昨天没有热水,所以我重新启动了系统,看看今天有没有热水。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 防水的,不透水的 v. 使……不透水,对……作防水处理 n. 防水衣物,雨衣 Sentences: Installed the curtain for the bathroom and the waterproof box for the sockets. 安装浴室窗帘和插座防水盒。 2024-1 daily



? n. 婚礼,结婚庆典;婚礼的;<英>结婚纪念,结婚纪念日;结合 v. 结婚,娶,嫁;(使)结合;坚持,专心于(活动、信仰或制度)(wed 的现在分词) 【名】 (Wedding)(德)韦丁(人名) [ 复数 weddings ] Sentences: I watched TV dramas, and at noon, I had to go to my aunt’s house, which is where the main couple of the wedding resides. 我看了电视剧,中午,我不得不去我姑姑家,那是婚礼的主要夫妇住的地方。 2024-1 daily



? conj. 是否(表选择或可能性);不管,无论 pron. <古>两个中的哪一个 Sentences: Unable to withdraw the money, I deliberated whether to give the gift money. 由于无法取款,我考虑是否要给礼金。 2024-1 daily



? adj. 全部的,整个的;完整的,完好无损的;(强调大小或重要性)整个的,全部的;要点,主旨;健全的,健康的 n. 整体,全部 adv. 完全地;整个 Sentences: # 2024-01-14 #Sunday #East-Ou-Residential-Community #Sunny
This afternoon, I went to the internet café and played games for the whole afternoon.
今天下午,我去网吧玩了一下午的游戏。 2024-1 daily



? v. 提,取(银行账户中的钱款);停止提供,不再给予; 退出,不参加;(军队)撤离; 脱离(社会),不与人交往;离开;(将某物从某地或位置)抽回,移开;撤回,收回(前言);(从某物中)拿出;停止提供,召回;退出,返回(至另一个房间);(因对工作时间、报酬等不满意而)罢工;取消(许可、邀请或提议);戒毒 [ 第三人称单数 withdraws 现在分词 withdrawing 过去式 withdrew 过去分词 withdrawn ] Sentences: I planned to wash my hair and withdraw some cash, but I found out that the hair salon where I had previously prepaid was closed. 我打算洗头取些现金,但我发现我之前预付费的发廊已经关门了。 2024-1 daily


? 与工作有关的 Sentences: Discussed some work-related matters, which may lead to some personnel changes. 讨论了一些与工作相关的事情,这可能会导致一些人事变动。 2024-1 daily


worked out

? 解决、计算出、锻炼完毕等:work out的过去式和过去分词形式。 Sentences: # 2024-01-27 #Saturday #East-Ou-Residential-Community#Sunny Today, worked out, focused on chest muscles.Played games at the internet cafe, watched anime in the evening.


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? n. 锻炼,训练;试验 Sentences: In the evening, went to Jin Shaozi to buy fast food, watched anime, and did a short workout. 晚上,去金少子买了快餐,看了动漫,做了简短的锻炼。 2024-1 daily