

WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-ParkSunny Normal work day. In the morning, exercised chest for half an hour. In the evening, ordered takeout from a nearby fast-food restaurant, but it wasn’t tasty. Played ‘Golden Shovel’ for a while and did leg muscle exercises.


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-ParkLight-Rain Normal work day. In the evening, ordered takeout from Jin Shaozi. Played the game ‘Golden Shovel’ on the mobile. The corn I bought last week finally arrived. Watched videos, cooked corn, and after eating, did some exercises for the waist and legs.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-ParkCloudy Normal work day. In the evening, went to Jin Shaozi to buy fast food, watched anime, and did a short workout.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-CommunityCloudy Today, worked out, focused on back muscles. Then went to the internet cafe to play games. In the evening, watched a movie and browsed videos.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-CommunitySunny Today, worked out, focused on chest muscles. Played games at the internet cafe, watched anime in the evening. Found it challenging to decide where to eat around this area.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Normal work during the day. In the evening, there was the company annual meeting. There was talk about people going on stage to perform, but no one was willing to do so. Everyone is relatively introverted, and there aren’t many talents on display. After it was almost over, I left with a few colleagues to go singing. They had a group photo later, but we didn’t participate. Sang for 3 hours and then went home.


ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Normal work during the day. In the evening, went to the internet cafe to play League of Legends after returning home.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-ParkSunny Today, normal work. Because it’s very cold, took the bus to the office. In the evening, had dinner with colleagues, like a year-end gathering for a few of us who get along well. Discussed some work-related matters, which may lead to some personnel changes. But now, work is not that important to me anymore; no need to invest too much effort. The leaders are not too concerned either. Naturally, I don’t need to be overly dedicated. Just handle it casually. Receive my salary. Focus on other things.”


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-ParkSunny Today, normal work. It’s very cold. In the evening, went to the internet cafe to play League of Legends.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park snowy Normal work today, it snowed, which is quite rare for Wenzhou. It snowed all day, and when walking back home over the pedestrian bridge after work, I experienced the feeling of stepping on snow. Went to an internet café to play League of Legends in the evening.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy Today, I originally wanted to restrain myself from going to the internet café to play games. After drinking porridge at noon, I played a singing app on my phone. Around 4 PM, I went out again, visited a few nearby internet cafés, and changed to a slightly better environment to play games. Recharged 100 yuan for internet fees and played until around 7 PM before returning home to rest.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Light-Rain
After getting up today, received a package, and spent the day playing games with friends


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Today, I went on a business trip to the municipal government to debug the system. Had beef noodles for lunch, with plenty of beef, and it only cost 13 yuan. The benefits at government units are still good. The items I ordered online arrived, and I went home at noon to tidy up the room. Returned to the office around 3 PM. Idled until the end of the workday. In the evening, went to an internet café to play League of Legends.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
Worked as usual, didn’t do much. In the evening, returned home and watched videos.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
Today, worked as usual. The items I ordered on Pinduoduo arrived; they are all equipment for the newly rented room. The tablecloth I bought was too small. Installed the curtain for the bathroom and the waterproof box for the sockets. Configured the Xiaomi router and went out for dinner. Had Dongchi Bento, then biked around the neighborhood for half an hour. Returned home, took a shower, watched some videos, and went to sleep.


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
Today, worked as usual. Wasn’t very focused at work; these days, I’ve been shopping on Pinduoduo during office hours. In the evening, after work, went to an internet café to play League of Legends.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
Today, I worked as usual. The company’s server was hacked again, and all the data was lost. We had to redeploy everything, but luckily, we still had the code locally; otherwise, we wouldn’t know what to do. Due to the server breach, many tasks couldn’t be completed, so I basically idled for the day. In the evening, after returning home, I went to an internet café to play League of Legends.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny
This afternoon, I went to the internet café and played games for the whole afternoon. In the evening, I returned home and worked out, focusing on chest and leg muscles.


SaturdayEast-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny
Today, I was waiting for the arrival of the Haier refrigerator and Xiaomi washing machine I purchased online. I took the opportunity to clean and organize the room. However, the washing machine’s interface didn’t match, so I had to buy an adapter, which cost 5 yuan. In the afternoon, the refrigerator also arrived. The washing machine has a capacity of 3kg, so it can’t handle a large amount of clothes at once. After washing all the dirty clothes, I went online.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
Normal workday, worked on developing custom form-related requirements. After work, went to an internet café to play League of Legends.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
Worked as usual, spent the whole day modifying the custom form-related table component. Discovered that the issue from yesterday was a design problem on my part, and I need to redesign the related form component. In the evening, after work, I made plans with a friend to go to an internet café to play League of Legends. He mentioned that he was recently scammed out of 40,000 RMB and reported it to the police. Retrieving the money seems unlikely. He also mentioned he’s been smoke-free for 8 days and is determined to quit successfully this time. He shared his plan for the year: focus on work to clear debts and spend the remaining time on fitness. When I got home in the evening, I tidied up and rearranged the layout of the house.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
Worked as usual, encountered issues with the source code of an Alibaba third-party dependency during development. Made modifications to the source code and submitted pull requests. In the evening, after work, went to an internet café to play League of Legends


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny
Normal day at work, discussed and developed solutions for new requirements. In the evening, after work, went to an internet café to play League of Legends.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Worked as usual today, had a meeting to discuss new requirements. Spent the rest of the time idling. Yesterday, there was no hot water, so I rebooted the system to check if there is hot water available today.


Sunday Home Sunny Today, I woke up and had dumplings for breakfast. I watched TV dramas, and at noon, I had to go to my aunt’s house, which is where the main couple of the wedding resides. My uncle was in a rush, so we packed up and headed over there first. When I arrived, my cousin gave me a gift, and as expected, I had to give the customary gift money to receive the gift. It didn’t feel very dignified. When I helped them move things yesterday, they mentioned not having brought enough gifts among themselves, so they wouldn’t exchange gifts with family members. It seemed premeditated, both in their words and actions. The value of the gift isn’t much, but this explanation seemed quite absurd. After the meal, they left directly, while our bus was scheduled for 2:30 PM, so I stayed at my aunt’s place. I ordered a cup of milk tea delivery, watched TV for a while, then left with my uncle. He got off in Qingtian, and I arrived at the dormitory at 5:50 PM. After briefly tidying up and having dinner out, I went to an internet café to play League of Legends. While there, I met a female college student doing an internship. She needed me to scan a QR code to follow her, and since she seemed quite attractive, I agreed. It’s true that being good-looking comes with many advantages. It took her about 5 minutes to finish, and she mentioned needing my help again tomorrow, promising to remind me. We exchanged WeChat contacts. After spending some more time there, I went back home, freshened up, and went to bed.


Saturday Home Sunny I felt very hot while sleeping last night because the blanket my mom laid out for me was too thick. After waking up, I had dumplings and watched TV dramas and anime. Around 11:00 AM, I went to my aunt’s house for a meal, but the main couple of the wedding hadn’t arrived yet. They said they would arrive in about an hour. I planned to wash my hair and withdraw some cash, but I found out that the hair salon where I had previously prepaid was closed. Unable to withdraw the money, I deliberated whether to give the gift money. I called a friend about this and decided to head back home first. After a simple meal, I helped them move some things, then went to withdraw money and wandered the streets for a while before returning home. For dinner, I attended a banquet at a hotel. Before leaving, my mom had a bathroom incident where the toilet got clogged. We tried to fix it but couldn’t, so I went to the hotel with my uncle by taxi. The event had a simple opening and the banquet had minimal dishes. I gave the gift money even though it wasn’t necessary, but I did it for the sake of our friendship. After leaving, I briefly met with a potential match at a designated location, but she had friends with her, making it difficult to have a proper conversation.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny I slacked off at work and took the afternoon off due to needing to attend a relative’s wedding over the weekend. Before going home, I changed to a different room in an available rental space. After quickly moving my things, I rushed to catch transportation. The weather was good, but it was hot inside the vehicle, causing me to sweat. I departed at 14:30 and arrived in my hometown city around 18:30. A friend came to pick me up and treated me to a meal. After eating, we went to the mall for a while, then I said goodbye and returned to my place.


ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Worked normally today; most of yesterday’s tasks were completed, so there wasn’t much to do. In the evening, after work, a colleague treated us to lamb chops. I apologized for causing inconvenience to my colleagues last Thursday due to getting drunk. After the evening ended, I went to play League of Legends again.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Worked normally today, very diligently. I worked on fixing bugs for the project undergoing testing. In the evening, a friend who was on a business trip to Wenzhou invited me for dinner, and we went to have barbecue. After returning home, I went online again.


Tuesday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny Because I couldn’t sleep last night, I got up around 6 AM to pack my luggage to move back to my previous place. I was supposed to work today but took a sick day. Then, the landlord suggested trying the north-facing room, saying it’s quieter there. I had already arranged moving services but ended up canceling them. Moved to the north-facing room to give it a try. Cleaned up a bit, only made the bed, then went out to surf the internet. Because I hadn’t rested all night, my heart felt very uncomfortable. I tried to sleep in the evening but couldn’t fall asleep. After lying down for 2 hours, I got up to take a shower and eat. I finally fell asleep around midnight; this place is indeed much quieter.


MondayEast-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny I woke up today and started by watching anime. Then, I packed my luggage and after having lunch, I booked a moving service through Meituan. I continued organizing my things and set off at 2 o’clock. The traffic was heavy; it took me 30 minutes to cover a 2-kilometer distance. The movers carried my belongings to the 5th floor, and the service cost a total of 165 RMB. There was no hot water in the room, so I went back to my previous rental place to freshen up. After turning on the water heater, I went to an internet café to play games. When the water was heated, I returned to take a shower and then carried the last bit of my belongings to the new place. I spent the whole night cleaning. When I went to bed, I noticed the loud train noises outside the window. I hadn’t paid attention to this during the house viewing. In the quiet night, the noise was exceptionally loud, as if a train was passing right by my bed. Perhaps it’s due to the new place or maybe I was too warm with too many clothes on while sleeping, but I couldn’t fall asleep all night.

