Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy 今天睡过头了,9点钟才醒,然后请假了1个半小时。上班还是很认真的,写了很多功能。降温了,骑车风吹的我肚子很凉。晚上又想出门买香烟被我克制住了。戒烟一年多的我应该习惯不吸烟才是我正常状态。吸烟不是我的正常状态才对。所以不要老是觉得有什么烟瘾,其实就是心理作用而已。晚上洗完澡后头疼,感觉的颈椎病一样,从脖子疼到头疼,12点不到就睡了。
Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy 刷短视频,出门散步,然后洗了袜子,打扫房间,锻炼一会后晚上去足浴花了350多元,感觉和上次200多的没什么区别,甚至我觉得200多的足浴体验更好点。吸完最后的香烟又再次戒烟。晚上看外网的视频刷的比较晚,3点才睡觉。
Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy 起床后又买了一包香烟,散步一会回家玩ps5了,然后觉得没什么意思,就卸载了一些游戏就关机了。晚上锻炼了一会出门散步,回来刷短视频到挺晚的才睡觉。
FridayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain 正常上班,起床头疼,可能和晚睡加吸烟的缘故,今天就头疼了一天。回家后打算重新开始戒烟,晚上没有健身,随便刷刷视频就睡觉了。
Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain 正常上班,今天是吸烟的一天,基本上那个flag也没什么用了,傍晚头疼,估计是吸烟的缘故,晚上去足浴,优雅岁月这家足浴店按的还是非常不错的,选了最便宜的足浴消费。今天睡的有点晚,本来12点多挺困的,看了一会视频就又不困了。然后2点才睡。
Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny 正常上班,由于周末去店里吃面条的时候闻到店里的员工吸蓝莓味爆珠香烟,今天又有烟瘾上来,傍晚出门逛了很多店,想买七星的爆珠,没买到,买了中南海的蓝莓爆珠。破了我立的flag,但是我上次戒烟也是立了各种flag没成功,后来偏偏是简单的尝试,并没有什么特别的记录,反而成功了。晚上出门散步的时候看到一家挺大的烟酒店。就买到了七星的爆珠,真是特地去找找不到,碰巧就能碰到。价格38元,以前在杭州买的时候是25元左右。今天穿的那条华夫格好像会导致私处有摩擦,每次穿这件裤子都不舒服。由于好久没穿了,今天一穿就不舒服,才发现很有可能是这条裤子的原因。晚上12点睡觉的。
Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny 正常上班,今天没吸烟。
Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny 正常上班,同事那里留的剩烟,吸了两根,晚上11点睡觉的。
Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny 今天没吸烟,看视频,逛京东超市。晚上10点钟就睡觉了,并且立了早睡的flag。
Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Sunny 起床洗衣服,刷短视频,晚上没忍住出去买了一包香烟,贵烟的陈皮爆珠,然后散步吸了4支香烟。回家后吸了一支,并且拍了戒烟flag的视频。把烟打湿,晚上刷短视频熬夜到很晚才睡觉。
FridayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Regular workday. Today, I joined my colleagues for a smoke break in the office. In the evening, we had a team dinner, during which I ended up smoking a few cigarettes. It seems my trip to Guangdong reignited my smoking habit, so I’ll have to start quitting again. However, I think it won’t be as challenging this time—my rule is not to buy cigarettes myself. After dinner, I went out for a foot massage and then headed home to sleep. 正常上班,今天和办公室的同事去吸烟了,晚上同事聚会,一起吃了一顿饭,也吸了几只香烟,感觉广东回来后又有烟瘾了看来又要重新开始戒烟了。但是这次戒烟因该不会那么难了,我的底线就是自己不去购买香烟。回家后出门做了足浴按摩。然后回家睡觉。
Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Regular workday. 正常上班。
Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Regular workday. 正常上班。
Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Regular workday. 正常上班。
MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Regular workday. In the evening, I did a light workout and then went to bed. 正常上班,晚上简单锻炼了一会就睡了。
Sunday GuangDong-ShunDe Sunny I was woken up around 4 a.m. to have some dim sum. After eating, I went back to the hotel to sleep again. By noon, we went out for Cantonese food, then took a stroll down a pedestrian street. Later, we headed to a shopping center in Guangzhou, browsed around, and had dinner before going to the airport to fly back to Wenzhou. I got to the dorm at around 1 a.m. and went to sleep by 2 a.m. 睡到凌晨4点左右被叫醒去吃早茶。吃完回酒店继续睡觉了。中午去吃了粤菜,然后逛了一会步行街。出发去广州的购物中心。逛了会商超,然后吃了晚饭吃法机场飞回温州了。凌晨1点到寝室,2点钟睡了。
SaturdayGuangDong-ShunDe Sunny I couldn’t fall asleep all night, likely due to a combination of drinking, air conditioning, and an uncomfortable pillow. I finally managed to sleep around 10 a.m. After getting up, I went out with friends for dim sum, then enjoyed a foot massage in the afternoon. In the evening, we had roast goose and I tried to go to bed early. The pillow was too high, making my heart feel uncomfortable, so I couldn’t sleep until around midnight. 喝了酒的原因加空调还有枕头问题一直没睡着。上午10点才勉强睡着。起床后和朋友一起去吃早茶。然后下午去足浴了。晚上吃了烧鹅,然后早早的睡了。枕头太高了,心脏不舒服还是睡不着,晚上12点左右才睡着。
Friday GuangDong-ShunDe Sunny I slept in until almost noon, then went out to a farmhouse restaurant for drunken goose. In the afternoon, I strolled along a pedestrian street, had coconut tarts, and visited a dessert shop for double-skin milk pudding, buffalo milk, and fried milk—the fried milk was the best. For dinner, we had sashimi-style fish, though it wasn’t quite to my taste, and then went out for drinks, staying out until late at night. 睡到接近中午起床,然后去农家吃了醉鹅。下午逛了一会步行街,吃了椰子蛋,然后去糖水店吃了双皮奶和水牛奶,炸牛奶。炸牛奶最好吃了。晚上吃了鱼生,不太符合我的口味,然后去喝酒。一直到深夜。