

Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Normal workday. Today is February 29th, a leap year, which is considered a bit special, but time continues as usual, so nothing particularly significant. Played League of Legends with friends in the evening.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Normal workday, played League of Legends with friends in the evening.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Normal work day, went to the internet cafe to play games in the evening. Today, the network administrator returned to being the old man as before, without any female network administrator. Played normally until around 11:00 pm and then went home to rest.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-ParkCloudy Yesterday night I didn’t sleep well, I stayed awake all night, and now I can’t tell if I’m awake or asleep. I took leave around 6 o’clock in the morning, rested for the entire morning, and only came to work in the afternoon. I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t rest well or if I sat for too long, but my back is very uncomfortable. I need to exercise and rest when I go back tonight. In the evening, I went to the internet cafe again for about two hours before returning home around 8:30 pm to exercise. I also chatted with a new female friend for a while during this time, then rested.


Sunday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy I spent the whole day playing League of Legends with friends at the internet cafe, and during a conversation with the new network administrator, I found out that the previous network administrator, the girl I liked, had already quit. Feeling disappointed.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy Today, I spent the whole day playing League of Legends with friends at the internet cafe, but she wasn’t there.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy
Today, I went to work as usual. After work, I went to the internet cafe with a friend to play League of Legends. She was still working there with another network administrator. I bought two bottles of drinks to create a topic, then refunded and repaid them. Later, I found out that today was her last day working here. It was really something I had anticipated.


ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Today, I went to work as usual. After work, I went to the internet cafe with a friend to play League of Legends. She and another network administrator were working there. I didn’t have the opportunity to ask.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Today, I went to work as usual. In the afternoon, I had some lower back pain, so I took a short walk outside and then stood at my desk. In the evening, I went to the internet cafe again. The female network administrator was working again. Before entering, I encountered a woman selling phone cards, but I declined and went inside. However, I still didn’t gather the courage to ask for her contact information. She always seems expressionless, making it difficult for me to speak up. She should have finished work around 9 PM. I saw her chatting with another male network administrator, both of them smiling. I returned home around 10:30 PM, did some light exercise, took a shower, and then rested.


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Today, I went to work as usual. After work, I grabbed some fast food, then went home to change clothes before heading to the internet cafe to play games. As I arrived at the internet cafe, I noticed a woman downstairs who resembled the network administrator, but she was wearing a mask. Without speaking to her, I went straight upstairs. Later, I regretted not talking to her and decided to look for her after starting my computer. However, she was nowhere to be found. I felt a sense of regret. I went back upstairs to play games until around 10:30 PM, then returned home, did some light exercise, and rested.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Normal day at work, donated 40 yuan to the Z-library project. In the evening, played League of Legends with friends. Originally wanted to ask for the WeChat of the female network administrator, but she wasn’t there when I went over. I unexpectedly felt a bit lost, as if I missed someone I cared about. Worried she might have left her job. Later found out from the new network administrator that she was just on duty, indicating she hadn’t left. Will definitely ask her when she’s back. No issue of pride, just need to be confident. Also, one friend was too frustrating to play games with, so I didn’t feel like playing anymore.


SundayZhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Today is the first day back to work this year. There was a 100 yuan red envelope given out as a New Year gift, but there wasn’t much work to do. I ended up wasting the day, and in the evening, I played League of Legends with friends.


SaturdayHome-to-WenzhouCloudy Today is the last day of the holiday, and tomorrow we have to go back to work. After breakfast, I packed my bags and left home around 12:20 noon. I took public transportation from my home to Wenzhou. There was some traffic on the highway, which delayed us by about half an hour, but I had anticipated this and bought a later train ticket. We arrived at the train station just in time to board. We reached Wenzhou South Station at 4:00 PM and arrived at the dormitory where I stay around 5:00 PM. After unpacking and resetting the WiFi, I went out to grab a quick meal and surf the internet.


FridayHomeCloudy Got up at noon, had lunch, and went to the internet cafe with friends to play games. We also invited a friend who had just returned to Guangzhou a few days ago to join us. In the evening, we continued playing games with our friend from Guangzhou.


ThursdayNanjianyan-Scenic-SpotRain Today was supposed to be dinner at my aunt’s house. I didn’t feel like going, so in the afternoon, I planned to play games, but my friend invited me to Nanjianyan instead. It was raining and a bit cold. The glass bridge cost 60 yuan per person, but I got in for free. The mountain was steep, but I didn’t feel tired. When we were walking on the glass bridge, it started raining heavily, and the wind was strong, making it very cold. After coming down from the mountain, we went to my friend’s house for dinner. In the evening, after a short stroll, I went home to take a shower. After showering, I went out with my buddy to have supper.


WednesdayFeishiling-Scenic-SpotSunny After lunch, I was planning to go to the internet cafe to play games, but my friend invited me out to play, so I didn’t go to the internet cafe. In the afternoon, I went to Qianfo Mountain with my friends. I don’t know why the mountain didn’t seem so steep, but I felt really tired after playing. Maybe I have no affinity with Buddha. In the evening, my relatives came to my house for dinner. After dinner, they started playing mahjong again, while I watched for a while and then went out with friends to set off fireworks. Later, we went to the night market for barbecue. They finished playing mahjong and joined us for barbecue before heading home.


Tuesday HomeSunny Today my good buddies planned a gathering. We had lunch at my place, then I went to meet them. They booked a room at the Overseas Chinese Hotel and played mahjong in the afternoon. In the evening, two friends from Ningbo also joined us. We went to the home of a friend in Suichang for dinner, bringing some New Year goods with us. They continued playing mahjong in the evening. Another friend rushed back from Lishui just to see the friends from Ningbo.


MondayHomeSunny In the morning, I woke up early and exercised for half an hour. Then I had breakfast, watched some anime, took a shower, and did the laundry. I went to my aunt’s house for lunch. After lunch, my friend(Can) and his spouse were going to Wenzhou to visit relatives, so I saw them off and then went to see another friend(XiaoHao). We watched some anime at his place, went out for a walk, enjoyed the sun for a while, and then headed home. In the evening, I’m going to my uncle’s house for dinner.After dinner, I went to the internet cafe with my friend to play the Unlimited Firepower mode of League of Legends.


Sunday HomeSunny Today, I slept until noon. After lunch, my brother and I went to visit our uncle’s house to pay our New Year’s respects, bringing along some gifts. In the afternoon, my cousin and his wife came to our house to celebrate the New Year. We spent some time together before heading to my aunt’s house for dinner in the evening. Interestingly, while they had planned visits to other relatives’ houses, they skipped ours. Perhaps they felt pressed for time, but it doesn’t matter to me. I’m not interested in fostering those relationships.

In the evening, we went to the outskirts to buy fireworks and then went to the riverside across from my house to set them off. We hadn’t been playing for long when a friend called, saying he had drunk too much and couldn’t drive, so I had to drive him to a hotel. Afterward, I went to an internet cafe to have some supper before heading home.


SaturdayHome Sunday Today, I had plans to go mountain climbing with some friends at 8:30 AM, but I overslept. I woke up at 9:00 AM and left for the mountain at 9:30. Since it was the first day of the Lunar New Year, there were many people climbing the mountain and paying their respects. We didn’t make it to the summit and instead descended via the mountain road on the west side around 11:30 AM. We went back home for lunch.

In the afternoon, I rested for a while and then went to watch a movie from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. We watched ‘Pegasus’ directed by Han Han, but I wasn’t feeling well, possibly due to the windy conditions on the mountain in the morning, which gave me a headache. I felt quite drowsy during the movie and couldn’t focus. The movie itself was average, lacking any standout elements. After the movie, I went home and rested.

In the evening, after dinner and a shower, my headache eased up. I went out with two friends to watch fireworks and then played cards at the mall. We finished around 9:00 PM and I went back home to chat with my parents for a few hours. I went to bed at 11:00 PM.


Friday Home Sunny I took the high-speed train at 10:14 in the morning. I woke up at 8:00, freshened up, and had breakfast. Around 9:00, I left to catch the train. I arrived in Lishui around 10:50. A friend came to pick me up to go home together. She had to go back to the office for some work, so we just grabbed a quick lunch before heading home. In the afternoon, my childhood friend came over to my place, and we chatted for a while before having dinner. In the evening, after everyone finished dinner, we planned to go out and set off fireworks, but we couldn’t find any for sale. Instead, we went to another friend’s house to play cards. I returned home around 22:00, took a shower, and went to bed.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain
Today, sensing that it might rain, I took the bus to work. I heard some good news that we were getting off work early in the afternoon. I wasted the morning away, and as soon as I finished lunch, I headed home. After changing my shoes, I went to the internet cafe with the intention of asking for the WeChat of the administrator. However, seeing how reserved they seemed, I felt hesitant to ask. I thought of finding another opportunity to avoid asking too abruptly. But not speaking up is also because of my own personality—I’m quite reserved and shy. I assumed she would get off work around 9:00 PM, planning to leave with her. However, I realized I estimated it wrong; it might have been around 9:30 PM or 10:00 PM. I waited downstairs for a long time but didn’t see her come out. Eventually, I went back home, packed my things, and rested.


Wednesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain
Normal work day, researching compatibility issues with the unified platform. Managed to move the static code of a third-party frontend project into our platform’s packaged code using the ‘mv’ command in the shell, making it accessible via URL. After work, went to the internet, contemplated asking for the WeChat of a female administrator at the internet cafe, but didn’t act on it.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Normal work day, a day wasted. Today the fund I bought rebounded a lot, after a month of losses, which were quite severe. After work, went to the internet cafe to play League of Legends.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny Normal workday. I went to bed early yesterday, so I woke up feeling much better today. The weather is also nice.


Sunday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain Today is a working day before the Spring Festival holiday. Not sure if it’s due to lack of sleep or an uncomfortable posture, but my cervical spine started hurting, causing a headache all day. In the evening, I went home, freshened up early, watched some videos, and went to bed.


Saturday East-Ou-Residential-Community Cloudy Woke up a little after 8 AM. Played with my phone for a while, got up and had congee, went downstairs to pick up a parcel. My Nike black and white panda shoes arrived, replicas from Putian, but bought one size too large. In the afternoon, went to an internet cafe to play ‘League of Legends’ in the URF mode. Played until around 7 PM, got a headache, had dinner, and went home to rest.


FridayZhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Regular work day. In the evening, went to an internet cafe to play ‘League of Legends’ in the URF mode. Played until past 1 AM and then went home to rest.”


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy Normal work day. In the morning, exercised arms and shoulder muscles after getting up. After work, went to an internet cafe to play ‘League of Legends’ with the URF mode. This version of URF isn’t enjoyable; it’s all tanks.


  • anime : n. 日本动画片(常以科幻为主题);芳香树脂
  • anymore : adv. (不)再,再也(不)
  • arrived : v. 抵达;抵港(arrive 的过去式) adj. 已到达的
  • barbecue : n. 户外烧烤;(户外烧烤用的)烤肉架;烧烤食物 v. (在烤架上)烧烤 [ 复数 barbecues 第三人称单数 barbecues 现在分词 barbecuing 过去式 barbecued 过去分词 barbecued ]
  • bit : n. 小片,小块;小部分,片段;(一组东西中的)一个;<美>喜剧小品,小笑话;比特;辅币,12.5美分;马嚼子;钻头;<非正式>(与某活动、过程有关的)所有事情;<非正式>女孩,姑娘;<英,非正式>(人的)生殖器 adj. 很小的 v. 制约,限制;给(马)上嚼子 v. 咬,咬伤;叮,蜇(bite 的过去式和过去分词形式) [ 复数 bits 第三人称单数 bits 现在分词 bitting 过去式 bitted 过去分词 bitted ]
  • catch : v. 接住;抓住,握住;逮住,捕获;发现,撞见;钩住,绊住;击中,碰到;得病,染病;引起,吸引(注意或兴趣);(对某事)感到兴奋;搭乘,赶上;及时做(或谈等);出席,观看;表现,再现;使措手不及;察觉,瞥见;听清,理解;突然意识到;盛住(液体);(板球)使被接杀出局;(棒球中)当接球手;受(光)照射;(风或水)裹挟,推动;着火,燃烧;遭遇,陷入(困境);固定,系牢;被(悬浮物)覆盖 n. 接(球等);(鱼的)捕获量,捕获物;<旧>理想的对象;门闩,吊扣;(声息)哽塞;隐患,隐藏的困难;(乐)轮唱片段;传接球游戏;捉人游戏 [ 复数 catches 第三人称单数 catches 现在分词 catching 过去式 caught 过去分词 caught ]
  • causing : vt. 成为…的原因(cause的现在分词形式)
  • conversation : n. (非正式的)谈话,交谈;<旧>社交,交际 [ 复数 conversations ]
  • cousin : n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹;远房亲戚;兄弟民族(或国家)的人(来自不同国家但文化近似);相似的人(物) [ 复数 cousins ]
  • dormitory : n. 集体宿舍;<美>(学院或大学的)学生宿舍楼;<英>(为在附近城市里工作的人提供的)住宅城,郊外居住区 adj. <英>(供在另一个城市工作的人)住宅的 [ 复数 dormitories ]
  • drunk : adj. 喝醉的,醉酒的;陶醉的,沉醉的,忘乎所以 n. 酗酒者,酒鬼;<非正式>纵饮,醉酒 v. 喝,饮;喝酒(drink 的过去分词形式) [ 复数 drunks 比较级 drunker或more drunk 最高级 drunkest或most drunk ]
  • due : adj. 到期的,预期的;应有的,应得的;应付的,应给的;适当的 adv. 正对着 n. 应得,所得;会费
  • during : prep. 在……期间;在……期间的某个时候 【名】 (During)(英、美、瑞)迪兰(人名)
  • encountered : v. 遇到;曾遭遇(encounter 的过去式)
  • female : adj. 女性的,妇女的;女性特有的;由女性组成的;内孔的;雌性的,母的;雌蕊的 n. 雌性动物,雌性植物;女子 [ 复数 females 比较级 more female 最高级 most female ]
  • found : v. 创办,成立;建造,兴建;根据,以……为基础;熔铸,铸造 adj. 偶然(或意外)发现的;(艺术)原汁原味的;装备好的;<英>(用餐、供暖)不另外收费的 v. 找到,找回;发现,发觉;(经过研究)找出,查明(find 的过去式和过去分词形式)
  • freshened up : 洗漱:为了感觉清洁和清新而洗漱自己。
  • gathering : n. 聚集,聚会;搜集,采集 v. 聚集,召集;收集,采集;认为,推断(gather 的现在分词形式)
  • getting up : 起床:指从床上起来的行为或过程。
  • headed : adj. 有头的;有标题的 v. 率领(head 的过去分词);朝向;走在……的前头
  • invited : v. 邀请( invite 的过去式和过去分词);请求;引诱;招致
  • issue : n. 议题,争论点;(报纸、杂志等的)期,号;发放,分配;(新股票或邮票等的)发行;子女,后嗣;流出,发出;<旧>结果,后果 v. 发表,颁布;分发,分配;正式发行;流出,发出;由……产生,由……得出 [ 复数 issues 第三人称单数 issues 现在分词 issuing 过去式 issued 过去分词 issued ]
  • issues : n. 议题,问题;债券;争点(issue 的复数) v. 发行;分发;流出(issue 的第三人称单数)
  • league : n. 联盟,同盟;(体育项目)联合会,社团;联赛;级别,水平;里格(旧时长度单位,约等于5公里) v. (与……)组成联盟,加入联盟
  • legends : n. 传说,传奇(legend 的复数)
  • mall : n. 购物中心,步行商业区;(有遮蔽设施的)步行道,散步场所;铁圈球球场 【名】 (Mall)(美、瑞)迈勒(人名)
  • meal : n. 一餐,进餐(时间);一餐所吃的食物;磨成粗粉的东西 v. 进餐 [ 复数 meals ]
  • muscles : n. 肌肉(muscle 的复数)
  • normally : adv. 通常,平常;正常地;正交地
  • noticed : v. 注意到;重视;认可;<古>评论(notice 的过去式和过去分词)
  • opportunity : n. 时机,机会 [ 复数 opportunities ]
  • originally : adv. 起初,原来;独创地,新颖地
  • perhaps : adv. 可能;(用以缓和语气或表示礼貌)也许,可能;(委婉地表示不赞同或不接受)也许,大概;(用于提出建议或请求)也许 n. 假定,猜想
  • pick : v. 采,摘(花、果);(用手指)弄掉;找茬;捡,抱起;选择;弹,拨(弦);撬开(锁),扒窃……中的东西;小心走路(~ one’s way);(反复地)拔,拉,撕,扯;没胃口地吃;(高尔夫)拾球(尤指认输的拾球)(~ up);采,摘(花、果等) n. 精华(the pick of);选择,选择权;被选中的人(或事物);鹤嘴锄;(吉他的)拨子;(尖状的)挖撬工具;(篮球)掩护 【名】 (Pick)(英、法、德、捷、匈、瑞典)皮克(人名)
  • previous : adj. 以前的,先前的;(时间或顺序上)稍前的;<非正式>过早的,过急的 n. <英,非正式>前科,犯罪记录
  • quite : adv. 相当,很;非常,十分;完全地,彻底地;(用于否定词后面表示某事不完全正确或清楚)不大确切地,差不多;<英>(表示赞同或理解)对,正是;(用于名词词组前,表示强调)出众的,了不起的;<西印度>自始至终,一路上
  • rushed : adj. 仓促而就的,草率的;忙碌的 v. 迅速移动;匆忙行事;突袭(rush 的过去式和过去分词形式)
  • seems : v.似乎,好像:表示外表上的观察或感觉,但不一定是事实。
  • shower : n. 淋浴器,花洒;淋浴间,淋浴室;淋浴,洗澡;阵雨,阵雪;(落下的东西)一大批,一阵; 流星雨;<美>(为即将结婚或分娩的女子举行的)送礼聚会;<英,非正式> 一群乌合之众,一群笨蛋 v. 淋浴,洗澡;洒落,(使)纷纷降落;朝…阵雨般地扔(大量小东西)(shower sb. with);大量给予,慷慨给予 [ 复数 showers 第三人称单数 showers 现在分词 showering 过去式 showered 过去分词 showered ]
  • since : prep. 自……以后,自……以来;(表示气愤)何曾,什么时候 conj. 在……以后,自……以来;因为,由于,既然 adv. 自……以后,自……以来;此后,后来 n. (Since)(法、美)新斯(人名)
  • spent : adj. 用过已废的,失效的;筋疲力尽的 v. 用,花(钱);花费,度过(一段时间);用尽,耗尽(spend 的过去式和过去分词形式)
  • supposed : adj. 假定的,据说的;应当的;预期的;被允许的;坚信的 v. 预期,推断;假定;认为(suppose 的过去式和过去分词形式)
  • surf : v. 上网;冲浪;<非正式>坐在高速行驶的车辆(尤指火车)顶部(或外面)享受刺激感;<美,非正式>频繁调换电视频道(同 channel-surf) n. 拍岸浪花;一次冲浪 [ 第三人称单数 surfs 现在分词 surfing 过去式 surfed 过去分词 surfed ]
  • train : n. 火车,列车;(行进中的)行列,队列;随从,扈从;一系列,一连串(事件或想法);裙裾,拖裾;(转动的)轮系,齿轮组;(引爆炸药用的)导火线 v. 培训,训练;(为准备体育赛事而)操练;锻炼,培养(某一素质或能力);训(兽);(尤指用枪、照相机)对准,瞄准;使(植物)朝某方向生长,修整 【名】 (Train)(英)特雷恩,(法)特兰,(意)特拉因(人名) [ 复数 trains 第三人称单数 trains 现在分词 training 过去式 trained 过去分词 trained ]
  • transportation : n. 运输,运送;交通运输系统;运输工具,交通方式;(犯人的)流放,放逐
  • whole : adj. 全部的,整个的;完整的,完好无损的;(强调大小或重要性)整个的,全部的;要点,主旨;健全的,健康的 n. 整体,全部 adv. 完全地;整个
