
Sunday ZeXiaYaYuan Sunday

Played League of Legends today. Scheduled to sign the contract with the landlord tomorrow. Packed luggage in the evening.


Saturday ZeXiaYaYuan Sunday

Today in the morning, I made an appointment with the landlord to view a room. It had a layout similar to that of a hotel. The price was affordable. It was great. After viewing the room, I went directly to play games. Skipped lunch, and in the evening, I bought instant noodles and some snacks on my way home. Packed my luggage at night.


Friday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunday

Today was a regular workday. Before leaving work, I received an invitation from a friend to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Ningbo, and I accepted. In the evening, while playing games with friends, I performed poorly and ended up losing all night. After returning home, I suddenly felt uninterested in going to Ningbo and decided to make a different choice this time. I canceled my plan to celebrate New Year’s Eve in Ningbo and obtained a refund for the train ticket.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunday

Today, a colleague got married, and I was invited along with other office colleagues with whom I have good relationships. We left work early at 4:30 pm to attend the wedding in Yueqing. Some company leaders were also present, and as I didn’t take leave, I directly clocked out for fieldwork. It was a fairly standard wedding without any surprises or issues. A few colleagues drank quite a bit, and one of them seemed almost drunk. The groom also consumed a lot; I’m not sure if he got drunk. The Wuliangye liquor served seemed to be relatively new this year, quite strong and not so palatable. I opted for some red wine instead. The wedding ended around 9 pm, and the CEO arranged transportation for us back to the city area. I took a taxi home. Had some porridge, freshened up, and went to bed.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny

I had a regular workday and browsed rental property information on my phone. In the evening, I arranged to meet a landlord and visited the house. Overall, it’s okay, but the room is divided. It’s located on the 6th floor of an older residential complex without an elevator. It has a balcony, a private bathroom, and broadband. The rent is affordable, but it’s about 800 meters further than where I currently live. After returning home in the evening, I went out for a run to exercise my shoulders and arms.


Tuesday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny

I worked normally today, managed to focus a bit more. In the evening, I received a storage box ordered from Taobao, and later waited for a delivery from Shunfeng (SF Express). After it arrived, I went for a run and then exercised my back and core. Ordered a steak to eat.


MondayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny

Today, I worked the regular hours but was a bit lazy and distracted. Managed to fix a minor bug. In the evening, I watched some videos and did a workout focusing on strengthening my chest and legs.


SundayZeXiaYaYuan Sunny

I woke up today without a headache. After getting up, I had dumplings downstairs, then went to the nearby apartment from yesterday to inquire, but it turned out that the apartment wasn’t available for rent. Afterwards, I spent the whole afternoon at the internet café. The gentleman behind me chose a secluded corner to watch adult content, which was inappropriate. In the evening, after dinner, I watched some videos. I’m planning to set goals for 2024. Last week, I mentioned the need for a goal; otherwise, life would feel aimless.


Saturday ZeXiaYaYuan Sunny

I slept until noon today, had dumplings downstairs, then went to the internet café because I needed to visit the factory’s rental rooms at 2 o’clock. I thought of playing at a nearby internet café before going there directly. I invited a friend to play, but he’s in Shanghai, hanging out with other friends. It seems like this breakup hit his quite hard. At 2 o’clock, the person in charge of renting the room told me 3:30. Near the area, I found another apartment, but the environment was terrible. The landlord asked for 1300, so I immediately deleted the contact. Played a couple of games again. At 3:30, I went to check out the employee dorms nearby. The environment was alright, similar to a low-standard hotel. The key point was that the rent was only 870 yuan. However, it faces north, and for drying clothes, I’ll have to go to the rooftop, plus there’s no elevator on the 5th floor. It’s 800 meters farther from my current place to the company. There’s a city library and a gym nearby, which is pretty good. When I got home in the evening, I researched Obsidian’s English learning plugin and how to synchronize mirrors between Gitee and GitHub.


FridayZhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny

I went to work as usual. The project underwent testing today, and I worked on fixing some bugs. Since there weren’t many bugs, there wasn’t much to do. When I got home in the evening, I watched some videos. Later, I spent some time investigating the synchronization of Obsidian repositories on iOS. However, it’s not stable. I don’t recommend performing GitHub-related operations on iOS as it’s sometimes successful and sometimes not. I’m unsure if it’s due to network issues or some other reasons.


Thursday Zhongguancun-Science-Park Sunny

Today was a day of diligent work, and I managed to complete almost all of this week’s development and integration tasks. Recently, there’s been a significant downturn in the A-share market, resulting in continuous losses. However, today showed a slight upward trend. The total loss in my investment funds is over ¥17,000. It seems many investors in these funds are feeling anxious, either selling off or waiting on the sidelines, and emotions are consistently low. I can only wait; I’m unable t o pull out of the market now to avoid becoming a victim of the situation. In the evening, after returning home, I grabbed the orange jelly I bought online and worked out my chest muscles.


WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Cloudy

I went to work as usual. This morning, as soon as I arrived at the company, they mentioned an audit for a project from last year, stating that they needed our cooperation to go live. However, they hadn’t paid for this project before, so we considered it a bad debt. Yet, we hurriedly helped them to comply. In the evening, when I finished work, the backend team I was assisting was working overtime. My manager was also there with them. I left first because my tasks could be completed by tomorrow.


TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-Park Light-Rain

I had a regular workday. I wore more clothes today, so I didn’t feel very cold. I wore a scarf while riding my bike. Only my hands felt cold. I bought gloves online yesterday, but they will arrive tomorrow. In the evening, I exercised my shoulders and arms when I got home.


Monday Zhongguancun-Science-ParkLight-Rain

Yesterday, I scheduled the rice cooker to make porridge. After getting up and freshening up, I had the porridge for breakfast. It was quite cold riding my bike to work, and I had a regular workday. In the evening, I exercised my chest muscles and legs when I got back home.



I slept at 2 o’clock yesterday and woke up on and off until 12 o’clock today. I have a headache and my eyes hurt. It’s weird; it’s like this every Sunday. I’m planning to sleep earlier and wake up earlier next week to see if it helps。

After getting up, I watched anime and the movie “Ex-Girlfriend 4”. Later, I rode my bike to the Giant store on LongXia Road to inflate the tires. On the way back, I checked out a factory rental property, jotted down the phone number, but haven’t contacted the person yet. It was quite cold while biking. I felt a bit hungry, but decided to head home first, where I spent some time using a karaoke app. In the evening, I watched live streams, but I’ve been having a headache and trying to adjust. I realized that I need to set myself a goal; otherwise, life can really be quite decadent, spending each day idly watching videos.



After waking up today, I watched anime and game livestreams, did the laundry, and then went to an internet café for a while. My own account got banned, so I used someone else’s account to play.

I was using a singing app and engaging in entertainment activities when I got home in the evening.


FridayZhongguancun-Science-ParkCloudy It’s a well-known fact that for most people, Fridays tend to be less productive at work, but I’m different. Fridays don’t hold any particular significance for me because there aren’t many interesting things to do on the weekends either. However, this Friday was different as I had plans to meet a friend. So, I wasn’t really focused at work today and was rather slack. In the evening, I went to an internet café to play games while waiting for my friend to arrive. I found out that my League of Legends account got banned for 4 years. Later, I realized that someone else had accessed my account, probably using cheats. It’s outrageous; I have no idea how someone else could log into my account. Perhaps there’s a security vulnerability with the account or maybe it’s an issue with the esports hotel?



Normal work routine. Went for another workout in the evening. Ran 2.67 kilometers in 12 minutes, surpassing my previous record again.



From today onwards, I am prepared to write diaries in English. By employing this method, I can enhance my English learning, making it easier to understand the English diaries I write and also aiding in better memorization. The English diaries are generated using the “ChatGPT 3.5” artificial intelligence tool.

Normal work routine, planning to change my rented living environment by the end of the month. Went to see some rooms available for rent that I selected from the internet in the evening. The photos online were taken with a wide-angle lens. The actual rooms didn’t appear as spacious as depicted in the pictures. There’s a considerable discrepancy between the rent price mentioned by my initial contact and the person who showed me the rooms. The first contact told me it was around 1400, but the person who showed the rooms mentioned 1800. Lack of sincerity, also suggested that if I decide to rent, I should directly contact him and not the initial contact person.

After returning home, I went out for a run and exercised in the evening, covering a distance of 1.78 kilometers at a pace of 4.11 minutes per kilometer.Running too quickly, there’s a taste of blood in the throat. I focused on exercising my chest muscles.





15:37 #MondayZhongguancun-Science-ParkSunny



00:10 #SundayZeXiaYaYuanSunny



00:05 #SaturdayZeXiaYaYuanPartly-Cloudy-with-Rain



00:05 #FridayZhongguancun-Science-ParkSunny



14:56 #ThursdayZhongguancun-Science-ParkSunny



17:13 #WednesdayZhongguancun-Science-ParkSunny



17:13 #TuesdayZhongguancun-Science-ParkSunny



17:08 #MondayZhongguancun-Science-ParkLight-Rain



21:03 #SundayZeXiaYaYuanPartly-Cloudy-with-Rain



12:55 #SaturdayZeXiaYaYuanSunny



12:55 #FridayZhongguancun-Science-ParkOvercast

今天降温了。穿上了秋裤。一到公司就很忙,喝水的时间都没有。中午本来都回家休息的,今天开始1点上班,就在办公室看动漫,看完正好快1点了,直接上班。电脑硬盘不够用了,拿了一个公司的固态硬盘外接到mac mini上使用,将代码全部移过去,清出了40个g。晚上回家休息。老朋友找我打游戏去了。英雄联盟。网吧不通风,香烟太浓了。